
Was this bad, I'm nervous?

by  |  earlier

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Well i work at this one place & i went there today to buy something w/ my parents really quick (i'm off today). the guy working the register(my co-worker) needed help w/ something on the register when he was ringing up our purchases, so i went back & helped him really fast but i pushed the buttons. was this bad,, will i be in trouble? i mean, it's my job & i didn't do anything wrong, but since i wasn't in uniform? I didnt fully ring it up either. i didn't handle the money, i just pressed a few buttons to help him find it.




  1. No. Your helping your co-worker. Thats not bad. Unless u stole something from the register, but thats a different story.

  2. its fine. ive done it a million times sware

  3. I'm sure you'll be fine, especially if nothing went wrong and the problem was solved.  If I were the manager I'd give you kudos for taking the initiative to do thing while on your day off.

  4. Your intentions were good, but hopefully the overhead security people recognized you!

  5. Your fine! I did that before to. You work there your just not currently working. Your not a stranger to the place you are an employee. Don't sweat the small stuff.

  6. lol your fine hun

  7. geez chill out.  haven't we all done those things before?  I wouldn't sweat it, really, you were just helping him out right??  and it's not like you stole something?  you were helping him ring you up for something??

  8. You don't have to be in uniform to help a fellow employee through a purchase.  That shows initiative and being a helpful caring employee.  You did nothing wrong.

  9. Your fired.. just kidding. unless your manager is a control freak you did nothing wrong.. but I 'd let him know first before someone tell him or her.

  10. It was good of you to help him.  I'm sure you co-worker appreciated your assistance.  It saved time for everyone because he did not have to wait for a supervisor.  In the future he will know what to do because of your patience and kindness.

    If this situation arises again, you should tell your co-worker the correct buttons to push and let him do it himself.  Don't be nervous; it is never wrong to help someone in need.

  11. Why are you freaking out about this?  You only helped the dude out a little.

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