
Was this funny or just mean?

by  |  earlier

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me and my friends were playing a prank on this kid?? would u mind tell us if it was mean or funny ^^




  1. datz messed up wat bout if dat happnd 2 u jackass

  2. NOT FUNNY AT ALL!  I think you and your friends were acting like a bunch of Jack@ss's!  I feel sorry for jeffery!  And you should learn how to spell Thorn!  T-H-O-R-N!   I wouldn't be friends with yall any more.

  3. dude, i'd would have gone freakin ninja on you! poor guy. take from somebody who has tripped into a thorn bush IT HURTS!

    YOU FAIL! * chucks you in the thorn bush*

  4. aww that is well cruel. i'd have prentended that i'd tripped into him, he would have fell further into the thorns then, lol

  5. Not funny for sure. That is really mean. Its Thorn by the way. How would you like to get pushed into the thorn bush?

  6. just mean.

  7. *i'd beat the S**t out of u if i was there

  8. it's pretty tight

    but i suppose he didn't seem to care much!

    i know it was just a joke but he could have been seriously hurt!

    what if a thorn had been poked in his eye?

    that really would hurt.

  9. Not even funny mate, what would you have done if he had an reaction to that Thorn Bush, would you be laughing then, I don't find this sort of thing in the least bit funny.

  10. i wouldnt call that a prank i call it bullying

  11. mean would u like it ?

  12. wasn't funny, wasn't even a prank

  13. phuking stuoid how is this a prank? so mean

  14. i didn't really watch it but the title was pretty scary

  15. Just mean, i dont see that as a prank. Thats just being kinda dumb...

  16. horribly mean. >.<

  17. well  id probably be like whatever

  18. mean...definitely mean! & u probably didn't have a good reason for doing it!

  19. That was pretty mean. But his reaction was funny.

  20. you're mean. I'm sorry for Jeffery!!!

  21. Gosh, u guyz r wicked...I mean dose were real thorns n he was only a kid...definitely mean n not at all funny..

  22. can u spell "thorn" right?

  23. wow you are horrible people.

  24. 1.) That was mean.

    2.)Jeffery has some real b******s for friends

    3.) Learn to spell. Throns? You mean thorns.

    4.) Why are you wasting time posting your bastardish-ness on Youtube?

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