
Was this heat sickness?

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So yesterday my boyfriend, my brother and I went to Carowinds. We were there literally the whole day. From 10-almost 6. It was very hot even at 10 am and had begun to sweat even standing in line to buy tickets. so most of the day I'm fine, sweating a LOT but fine. We tried out best to stay hydrated, drank water when we passed fountains, filled up a couple time with soda (3-4 times, it was expensive.) Probably around 2 or 3 pm I started getting a headache. I just dealt with it while we were there, and when we were leaving and I got in the car it exploded into a full out migraine and I started feeling sick to my stomach. I almost immediately fell asleep. When I woke up I was shivering because I was so cold, we stopped at Pizza Hut for dinner and I went to the bathroom twice because of feeling nauseous, only threw up once and then I felt good enough to eat. The whole time we were in Pizza Hut It was shivering because I was so cold, my bf and my brother both said it wasn't cold to them. Once I ate my headache went down a bit, but came back worse a couple hours later. Today, my head doesn't hurt anymore, but I still feel quite nauseous. Was this some type of heat sickness, dehydration, etc?




  1. Yeah it sounds like dehydration, or maybe sun (I can't remember the word, the one less than stroke!)

    Drink a lot of water and stay cool.

    Feel better.

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