
Was this horrible to do - the girl cried about it - i thought it was frickin hilarious?

by  |  earlier

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I work in a bar on a street full of bars. A new bar maid started and i was bored so i sent her next door to ask the manager if he had any spare ice making solution......she was sent back with a jug of water lol!!

Everyone thought it was so funny but she spat her dummy out!! It's so part or bar work to have a sense of humour.




  1. Awh bless her. lol

  2. that is funny! next time send her to get a tub of elbow grease!

  3. Um...seems like somethin pretty normal to me.  her cryin was a little over the top, but i cant believe she actually fell for somethin like that.

  4. Good one, she should have just taken it as a joke.

  5. Send her for a long weight (wait).

  6. I hope you'll think it funny when she plays a trick on you. We women are the absolute best at taking revenge so watch out. She'll make you sorry you bet your life on it. Serves you right for being spiteful.

  7. That is hilarious! Hope you don't mind but I'm going to steal that one for the next time we get a new kid working with us. We always play jokes like these, especially on the new employees but if the old ones will fall for it, we do it to them too - but I've never heard of this one before.

  8. Grow up.

  9. Yes... horrible!

  10. Do you think it's funny to upset people?

    Did you think it was funny the last time someone upset you?

    Think about it

  11. Ofcourse it's funny.  Sent a girl to homebase for a tin of black and white striped paint at my workplace.  Worse thing is the assistant tried to help her find it, then remarked that they must have run  out

  12. Maybe if she'd been there for a while she might have found it funnier. When somebody's new at a job they're very nervous and self conscious so you may wanna take it easy on pulling ribs just so soon.

  13. ... Ok?

  14. shes just being over sensitive!

    I got ask to go to B&Q for a cordless extention lead when I first started my job , and yes i fell for it but i just thought it was funny

  15. hahahahha hilarious! i probably would have been laughing my *** off!

  16. Not impressive. This is humiliating, not just a laugh. This isn't a great thing to do to a colleague anyway, let alone when it's their first day. I doubt that she wanted to come back to work, especially for you. You owe her an apology.

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