
Was this horse clearly indicating that it did not like me? shall i save my apples for the white ones?

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The horse looked at me. Sighed deeply and snorted a bit. Do you think it was thinking..'oh her again. gods she is annoying i might bite her if she comes over here'




  1. Please don't go feeding random horses. They can have medical conditions and allergies the same as anyone else - just think how awful it would be if you fed it something and it got ill because of it.

    If they are in a field and they have grass and water then they are probably perfectly fine. If they look too thin report them to the RSPCA but don't feed them yourself.

  2. Usually a horse sighs because they are relaxed, so no that doesn't indicate she doesn't like you. However, please take everyone's advice and do NOT feed other people's horses. I once knew a horse who had Impressive disease and if he ate any sugar he could possibly die. He was not allowed to have sugar cubes or apples and had to be on a special diet.  You don't know if any of those horses have the same or similar conditions, and you could easily get bitten by accident when feeding horses you don't know. It's best you leave other people's horses alone unless you have their permission to pet or feed them.

    If you are truly interested in horses, why not take lessons? That's the best way to learn about them, and you can safely interact with them.

  3. that's just a normal horsey behavior.  Deep sighing usually a good thing (sign of relaxation).  The snorting is just like people blowing their nose.  They don't snort to tell people they don't like them.  

    I'm also pretty sure they don't contemplate things, so I doubt it was planning out an attack on you or anything.

    But I would suggest not feeding a horse that isn't yours, unless you've got permission.

  4. no, horse do that all the time.

    this is a horse bite. be prepared to risk it! and i would get prettyworked up if someone i didnt know was feeding my horse apples. so my advice is do not feeda horse apples unless you have consent. cos a horse ca get sick from eating lots of applesa and can kill them. soif you choose to ignore me, only feed them one EACH. and you should always hold your hand out flat with no fingers sticking up or chances are you are going to get bitten accidently.

  5. lol he wasnt thinking that. i think that u might have a fear of that horse as he does u

  6. The horse doesn't know you, you smell funny, so she is apprehensive about accepting anything from you.  And YOU SHOULD NEVER FEED SOMEONE ELSE'S HORSES.  They could have food allergies or could get choked on the apples.  I never give my horses apples or carrots that have not been specifically cut into pieces that cannot get caught in their esophagus.  If a horse gets an apple stuck in their throat, they can die.  You should stay away from these horses.

  7. no just talk to her

  8. No, that means it is scared of you, talk nicley to it, hold out you hand let it sniff you, soon it will become your friend

  9. lmao. that sounds funny. sryyy

    horses do that all the time. no big deal. if you have apples, i really doubt they think you're annoying. (:

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