
Was this lady irresponsible and stupid or am I overreacting?

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this woman at the water park yesterday put her 3 year old in the childrens pool with NOONE there no lifeguards nothing while she goes to the huge pool and NO there is noway you can see the small pool from the big ones. do you think she jsut assumed other people would watch the child for her?




  1. yeah that's wrong

  2. That lady was irresponsible and stupid. Anything could have happened and she wouldn't have known. Were you in the childrens pool with your kid? If so, she did just assume her child would be watched by other people. And what are they going to do, not keep an eye on her kid? Theirs your proof shes irresponsible, she leaves to go to the main pool, and without anyone knowing at first, she leaves the responsibility of watching her child on the people who have their own in there. I hope this answer did justice to your question.

  3. probably just assumed. that was stupid of her

  4. Why are you worrying about this?

  5. yes it was irresponsible and stupid, but it was her choice and you shouldn't let it bother you, the child wasn't your responsibility. please answer;...

  6. poor kid couldve drowned but maybe ur the one overreacting i mean she couldve put him in swimming lessons

  7. I think leaving a small child unattended ANYWHERE is extremley irresponsible, but at a water park where drowning is possible, most certainly!  

    Although, are you sure that the child was indeed left alone?  I ask because a few weeks ago I too took my family to a local water park.  My hubby and I were sitting on the edge of the kiddie pool about 5 feet apart watching our 5yr old daughter who was less than 3 feet in front of us..  My husband got up and told her that he was going to "go potty, and to be good till he got back".  He smiled at me, I smiled at him and continued to watch the baby.  A few moments later a woman who was in the pool as well ran up with a lifguard and a man with an earbud (im assuming managment) and picked my baby up all the while talking about "getting the authories and child protective services involved".  I was like, hello, I'm her mom, I'm right here, what the heck are you doing?

    The woman just assumed that my hubby left the baby TOTALLY alone, unaware that I was her mom.

    So i ask, are you SURE the child was alone?

  8. Drown her! Than say she fell in!

  9. I would have told a manager! Kids drown at those places all the time.

  10. YES!!!!!!!!! That is so wrong.... Why would you do that?? And NO WAY are you overreacting... That is so wrong its a wonder she didn't lose her child for it she is a stupid monkey bum who deserves to get a punishment.... =]

  11. you aren't overreacting the lady was irresponsible. little kids aren't much fun at the pool, or water park or at an amusement park.  if she wanted to swim, she should have gotten a babysitter and left the kid at home.  if she wanted the kid to have fun she should have kept her *** over in the children's swimming area.

  12. Some parents can be really dumb! I would never, ever leave my 3 year old in a pool by herself and I HAVE seen (and even rescued) some kids who plopped their kids in a pool and just took off. One time two kids, a boy and a girl, both about 2 years old actually went under the water and nearly drowned while their mothers were fussing with the camcorders. STUPID!

    BTW, since my daughter was 1 year old, I put her in a floating raft and swam while pulling her along. She LOVED it and I could get in a good swim.

  13. Slap that lady.

  14. That would surely give me nightmares! Another pet peeve is seeing people who don't have their baby seat properly attached to their car. ACK!


  16. I think she was just being a lazy *** and wasn't taking care of her baby. She should be reported to the police.

  17. Cleary bad parenting... she obviously doesnt watch the news much. Shes lucky something very bad didnt happen to that kid!

    Some people dont deserve the pleasure of raising a child.

  18. Yes, that was completely stupid, neglectful, & irresponsible. Jeez, I guess she never learned you never assume other people are watching your children in a public place!!! the child could have drowned or been kidnapped. What a numbskull !!!

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