
Was this paranormal or coincidence?

by  |  earlier

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I know this sounds lame, but I like to to look at the clouds (cloud gazing I assume you could call it) and I like to see if the shapes of the clouds look like something. The day before my rabbit died I saw a cloud shaped exactly like her. My rabbit wasn't sick or anything, but the next day around the same time that I saw the cloud she passed away. It sounds coincidental to me, but could it be paranormal? Did I foresee my rabbit's death?




  1. i hope it's a long time before you see a cloud that looks like me

  2. That is pretty weird. Idk if you foresaw it. I think it may be possible.  

  3. What you were doing is actually called "cloud scrying" and has been a part of many ancient civilizations. Many believed that the gods of the sky could take any shape, even faces, to remind mere mortals of their stature. There are people who are quite adept at this form of divination and able to read specific signs in the way the clouds form. Nostradamus used a similar form of scrying but with a bowl of water called water scrying.

    As one other person made quite plain, what you experienced were a series of coincidences that impacted on you enough to post a question about it...and nothing is ever coincidence or random. Taken seperately, one could find some way to reason it out logically but there are definitely two distinct events that are closely tied together and you are very aware that they are. You already feel drawn to scrying and like any skill, your ability never remains static if you practice fairly often. Every time you take some minutes to peer up at the clouds and allow your imagination and abilities free rein, you're exercising and practicing an ancient form of divination. One side effect, of course, is what you experienced and the main reason this ability is used...for somebody attuned to the spirit realm, this can be an accurate method of predicting future events.

    It's really up to you...go with whatever you feel inside. I've included a link that gives a brief description of the main psychic abilites and some exercises to help develop might find it of interest. The second is a short description of cloud scrying with a link on it to much more information in scrying in general. It's quite fascinating.


  4. It's called paredolia - we look for patterns, shapes, and faces in things that may not contain them.  It was a useful mechanism when our species evolved - it was much more to our advantage to recognize a pattern ('guy goes into cave, guy gets eaten by bear' is a useful pattern to notice) than to mistakenly see a pattern ('guy picks flower, guy gets eaten by bear' is unlikely to hurt you).  So we all see shapes in the clouds.  I see cats - because I have a cat.  You see rabbits - because you had a rabbit, and that's what we were thinking about.  Just a coincidence and our weird minds looking for things that aren't there.

  5. Dear DAXF

    No Sense of Knowledge is complete without an essence of an apllied Understanding... as well the Every Sense has an Opposite Essence"

    The entirety of Cosmos is working on the root principle of one factum :

    " Only two Opposite makes One Complete "  ~ charanjeet singh ~

    To gain a valid substance out your Quest... First do deconstruct the misjoinder (wrong meaning : Semantics) of Words that itself misled Us to formulate an Essence which happeningly effectuates into effecting its Effect as a wrong Sense. Thus the Problem is born and uneducationalism starts presenting its random/inappropriate actions.

    Paranormal must be read as Para' Normal = meaning thereby "Beyond Normal" indeed which is not within the common range of everyones reach ; it is a concerned position meant for exclusive ones [ Good or Bad ].

    Coincidence must be only read as an Incidence ( Incident ) which means a particular Happening.  Esoterically, the Savants & Meta-physicians are indebited to endorse that in Cosmos nothing Exists as Mis-Happening... because so-called Mis-hap' is itself a mere Happening. Likewise a so-called Co-incidence is itself a Incidence.

    Now, Seeing of a Rabbit been felt as depicted by the sight of the Clouds, definitively was a Herald/Harbinger of an encrypted message providing you with its Vibrational Reach through a Photonic Feels, which you did understood it only on event of certain Happening that enabled you to decode its importance, later.

    This is what the concerned ones have to, rather must learn dedicatively as Great Lucubrational Appraoch To Self evaluating the Experiences that strucks oftenly. And by virtue of this a special spirit of analysing the Predication [not prediction or portent] which is but the extention of the Subject in its meta-subjective stage.  NB : Simply as we have studied in Grammar = Its the Subject that extents a meaning to Prdicate ; while its the Predicate that gives applied meaning to a Subject = A Science Of Connotations.

    So, under the polmathic approach read by Semiology { Science of Attribution } and Para'Physics { a New Progeny : Beyond Physics } it is a stage to be justified as Something happened as Beyond' Normal but merely as an Incident...

    For details ; quote regularity of incidences that would enable you with better findings ~ contact.  

  6. DAX what do you want for an answer? Was it normal to see your rabbit in the clouds? Was it  normal for you to be looking at clouds? Would it be normal for you to remember exactly what time you saw the rabbit cloud?

    What part of any of it is normal? par-?

    Coincidence? Are we going to give in to a man made construct? What would be a coincidence about it? The fact that you saw a cloud that was your rabbit 24 hours before the bunny died? YOU CALL THAT A COINCIDENCE! Well fine, if you still believe in Santa.

    Highly evolved persons or people with a with a mature understanding of the workings of the world do not believe in coincidences, they only use the word as manner of reference, a slight to someone's beliefs.

  7. It very well could be.  I dont believe in coincidence.  Keep cloud watching sometimes there can be angel shaped clouds that are amazing looking.  Everytime I see one I draw the picture of it.  Keep an eye out, you never know what you can see up there in the clouds.  Sorry about your loss and take care.  God bless.

  8. it mite be insanity

  9. I once read a study that concluded that every month, a one in a million coincidence was likely to happen once to every person on the planet. The truth is, one in a millions happen all the time around you, you just don't see them. This was your one in a million for this month and next month there will be another one. Be on the lookout for it!

    I once looked at a light bulb on the ceiling that I had never had to change as long as I had lived in my residence, which was about three years. I was wondering how to change it since it was encased and was amazed that it had lasted so long. That was in the morning, and later that night, it blew. But, it was still just coincidence.  

  10. Sorry about your rabbit.

    I agree with you that it sounds coincidental, but I guess anything is possible.

  11. There's a possibility you may have. It's just one of those things where you'll never really know.

  12. I would say that you did not forsee your rabbits death.  think about it.  you have a rabbit and you are looking at clouds, and if one even looked remotely like a rabbit, you would identify with it because you have a rabbit and are thinking about it.  I just think it was a coincidence, sorry about your pet.  

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