
Was this perhaps why USA gave Georgia the green light to attack South Ossetia?

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don't even try to say that Georgia attacked South Ossetia without receiving some sort of a green light from USA! i am just trying to analyze US A's motives. Georgians didn't even bring their 2000 troops homefrom Iraq because they most likely expected a much stronger support! right?




  1. Georgia attacked South Ossetia without receiving some sort of a green light from USA. There, I said it. South Ossetia attacked first anyway.

  2. If Georgia, as an American ally had taken such actions without our approval, I'm sure our Presidency would have voiced his anger by now. I'm getting confused about all the different links and countries involved; I just have a bad feeling it's all going to be downhill from here, and America may never recover from all this. We're big and powerful, but we can't rule the whole world, and shouldn't want to! We have our own problems that need dealing with.

  3. Wait just a minute Georgia attacked Ossetia???? I'm sorry but if your an American and you listen to the media in this country this question is coming right out of left field.

      The best way to look at this situation I believe is to look at the history of the region.  South Ossetia become its own district in 1921 after a few years or turmoil in the Georgia region where it resided permiting them to teach their own language, Ossetian.   In the late 80's South Ossetia  began to assert its independance by hosting there own elections. Georgia was not in agreement with these actions and evetually violance insued.  In 1992 Georgia was forced to come to an agreement that led to a ceasfire and where Georgia still controled areas of South Ossetia.  In 2006 A number of referendums were voted on by citizens of South Ossetia for its independence the turn outs were high and the approvals where near unanimous.  The EU refused to except these results.  This brief summing up of their history I believe explains why Georgia attacked South Ossetia

    On the bigger picture

    The United States has a heavy hand in the influence of Georgia.  They have been training Georgain troops for a number of years along with supplying them weapons.  Recently Mr. Bush has reached out in humanitarian efforts with supplies and Troops along with helping Georgia bring back Troops of their own from Iraq.  This is the same Bush who stood by and did little to nothing for his own people after being hit one of the most devistating hurricanes in U.S history.  Mikheil Saakashvili the president of Georgia is a product of American institutions.  

    My answer

    There are many reasons why this is going on that satisfy American neo-con short term and long term ambitions(controling resources being a primary objective).  United States is having trouble getting support to bomb Iran wich would most likely lead to the demise of the United States as a world power. So maybe instead of going to war with Iran go to war with Russia and when Iran joins into help the Russians then we can bomb them.

    If any one in the White house gave the green light it was d**k Cheney who has already been seen as an instigator in this conflict.  The american neo-cons are out for world domination and it looks like it doesn't matter how the oppertunity arises as long as it arises soon.

    Yes I think it is very possible we are looking at the beginning of WWIII

    I hope I'm wrong.  One thing is for certain this American emperialist aggresion must not be tolerated! I can only hope the world along with my fellow Americans wake up to this before it is to late. The neo-cons don't care about this country they place no value in human life.  All they want is power.

  4. perhaps you saw the news yesterday, john mccain's foreign policy adviser works for the georgian government.  while officially he does not actively work for georgia during the campaign, his company and partner have taken the active role for the time being.  sorta like how d**k cheney is no longer in charge of haliburton, his wife now officially runs the company.

    as for cia involvment, that's a given.

  5. It's possible that it could be some kind of underhanded move by the Bush administration, a desperate attempt to help John McCain, who they fear will look like a doddering old fool after the conventions when all eyes are on him.

    If so, though, it could seriously backfire, because:

    ) neither Bush nor McCain can do anything about the situation

    ) the crisis will be over before the election (it already is finished, militarily)

    ) if McCain says, "see, I would have handled that right," he won't have a leg to stand on, people will just say "well, where was your great plan while it was happening." It will look like a failure for Bush and that will rub off on him, even if he tries to distance himself from Bush.

    The basic fact is the US has no military leverage in any matter directly involving the Russian military. Russia has nukes and can send them here within minutes, and that's that.

    That leaves as the only alternative diplomacy, which is where McCain's "I'm better at foreign policy" shtick falls apart. He knows absolutely nothing about the intricacies of diplomatic double-talk. Any progress would have to be made over the long haul, with negotiations and concessions and Russia hanging its Security Council veto over all US interests. Obama may not be particularly experienced at diplomacy either, but at least he expresses an interest.

    If someone in the Bush administration thought they were doing McCain a favor by giving him the opportunity to strong-arm Russia, they were dead wrong. Or their timing was way off. Maybe if they'd said to Saakashvili "ok go invade on November 1." But even then it wouldn't have helped much.

  6. Georgia attacked South Ossedia without a green light or any other color light from the US. Get your facts straight before making an accusation like that. Bloomberg is so far left it's off the map. You probably think the CIA shot J.R.

  7. I herd on the radio the US tried to talk Saakashvili out of his crazy plan to bomb South Ossetia into submission.  But that may have been just some crazy person on a call in show.  Not sure, I was busy washing the cat. Daily News Online says Washington Misunderestimated!!!!

    Time says "Washington had grown alarmed by Saakashvili's belief that he could take the Russian military..."


    "It wuz the other guy, he done it"

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