
Was this pic of Team Spain funny?

by  |  earlier

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Offensive, but I admit I laughed really hard.




  1. yea it was funny as ****!

  2. WTF?

  3. I don't care how you spin it !!Its a racist pic!!

    They better watch out who's cooking for them!!lol

  4. HAHAHAHA. Yea, it was pretty funny.

  5. Not really.  

  6. A facetious action by Spain.

  7. TBH,they do look like silly.

  8. Well, my advise to the Spanish team is that for the rest of the games, they should not venture outside the Olympic village without proper security escort. They just pi**ed off more than 1 billion people and if they are not careful, some of them may not get back home in one piece.

  9. I did know what they were doing at first but when I figured it out I was cracking up

  10. Hilarious! I had tears in my eyes as soon as I saw it...

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