
Was this possibly astral traveling?

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I remember when I was very young...going down 2 flights of stairs at our house without touching the floor..even the landing(the "hallway" before you start the other stairs.) It was always a weird feeling. It was a strong memory for lots of years..but I always assumed I was just dreaming. When I've said I never astral traveled ..I forgot about this. I know you'd just be guessing..but what do you think? I don't remember "getting back into my body" etc...but I do remember how it felt..really weird feeling. I know I used to do it a lot and how it scared me when I did it.




  1. This is it. I started very young, and didn't go far. I would go to the corner of my house. I didn't fly to high either, I stayed close to the ground, and sort of like glided. Going out of the body was like falling, and coming in was like a big jolt. Some times though, if I were aware, that I was out of my body, while still asleep, it would be painful and feel like paralysis, must feel, until I finally jumped back in. I would say, yes, this was astral traveling for you.

  2. Deenie when you were doing this, were you awake and playing with the stairs, or was it in dreams you were trying to get a better picture here.....

    I used to fly off our house roof, but not in astral, id jump off and see how far i could fly....pretty much just dropped straight down to the ground...but during the free fall, it felt like i was flying but only for a few seconds....LOL

    Thought Bandit...gave you a thumbs up for being a good sport sure you got a good laugh out of

  3. You were sliding down the bannister?

  4. it could possibly happen. i have memories of the same thing

  5. Can you also remember the bruises and the broken bones.

    No one should descend two flights of stairs using gravity and a notion of "astral travelling" without the aid of a nice soft crashmat.

  6. i have the exact same memories from when i was younger. astral traveling normally happens at night i think,that's when your 'spirit' is supposed to leave your body.apparently its more common in children.when i was younger i used to have very vivid 'dreams' where i was floating down the stairs and other places as well.i suppose we'll never get answers?

  7. Many people believe they were dreaming, there's a good chance it wasn't a astral traveled~

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