A friend of mine is getting married in October of this year (God help him). His bride to be emailed me tonight to tell me the date and time of the wedding and to tell me that she would be reserving hotel rooms if I'm interested, and then she wrote the thing that seemed really out of line to me. She wrote "The kids can't come, sorry can't afford to have them". I thought it was disrespectful and wrong, mainly because I already knew that the kids weren't going with me and second because she doesn't think that I would be able to read me and my husband's name only on the invitation and be smart enough to conclude that I needed to find a sitter for my children. My husband was appalled and told me to spit on the invitation and mail it back to her. Not going to do that, but I haven't exactly been on board about this wedding in the first place being that it is all one sided and my friend is making a huge mistake. It's none of my business, so I am more than smart enough not to say a word about it. How would this make you feel? Was it rude of her or not?