
Was this racism? Stereotyping? Or just dumb? I'm Black & I walked into a pizza place the other day ?

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& as I got to the counter, the guy behind it said, "She's the one who ordered the pie. Get it for her."

I didn't know what he was talking about bcuz I had just asked for one slice. I figured he had me confused w/someone else.

Then a few minutes later another Black woman walks into the place and buys the pie (which they assumed was mine).

Should I be offended that they 1) assumed the lady (who obviously ordered a pizza by phone) was Black from the way she spoke? She did sorta speak Ebonics but I do NOT.

2) that *I* was her? Or that any other Black chic walking in was her...?

Should I say something to the place?




  1. Sounds like he made a huge assumption, doesn't mean he is racist, just dumb.

  2. I don't think the guy was being racist but he was stupid for making the assumption.

    That's happened to me before too. I'm Japanese/German but I look all Asian and some store clerk mixed me up with another Asian guy who couldn't even speak English.

    Well I corrected the sales guy by saying "I didn't ask for that." It was at BestBuy and the other guy had ask for some product that was sold out in the front, so the sales man went to look in the back and found one.

    Anyway, don't worry about it Sweetie. You should have said something immediately, like "I didn't order a whole pizza." But since you didn't, just let it go until it happens again.

  3. Although it was ignorant of him,you shouldn't take it offensively.Once, in an apartment complex where I lived, I  saw a Black male going down rows of cars, looking inside and trying to open their doors.I reported it to the manager.She was Black. I gave his estimated height, the clothing he was wearing, his ethnicity, and his features. Guess what-she looked at me and said, "Honey, you just described 90% of the Black males-can you be more specific?"I told her I wasn't close enough to see any identifying features(about 30-40 feet away)-no, I do NOT think all Blacks look alike.Security had no problem finding and asking him to leave.If he had been a White guy, it would have been a little easier to describe him, using hair color. If you were in a crowd of Blacks and there was one one White person there someone was looking for, what would you say?It would be easy to say, "Oh, the White person is over there". It is convenience, not insulting/racist.  

    Another incident similiar to yours, comes to mind. My younger brother by 1 year and 4 days is about my size and looks and sounds very much like me.Many people think we are twins-we are not.We have the same favorite pizza place.I happened to be in the neighborhood and got hungry for pizza. My brother had ordered by phone. I happen to arrive when his pizza was ready to go.I told the clerk I wanted a pizza to go.She assumed I was the one that ordered the pizza and told the others I was here to pick up my pizza. Just then, my brother walked in to pick up his pizza.She looked flustered and her face turned a crimson red.I told her not to worry about it, it happens alot.

  4. Just sounds like he just guessed that you were the one who ordered the pie..without taking the time to ask you.

  5. well, you could go for the first door.  be offended that someone recognized a black lady from her english.  you could also pick door number two and be offended that they confused one black lady with another.  (i imagine not many black people live around there).

    either way, you can validate some hostility, cry victim, and hate others for controlling you and your emotions this way.  or ignore the whole thing and go in peace.  that's door three.  

    do you really believe the geniuses at the pizza place were trying to make you feel inferior by confusing you with another black woman?  and is that really so offensive?

  6. There are two possible reasons, and you should remember this:

    1. The person was probably so stupid that didn't paid attention on you. Just tell them to be careful.

    2. The person was trying to attack you. If that's the case, you should act against that. That happens to me and I get pissed, definitely, who do they think they are?  

  7. No it isn't. They probably got confused between the two seeing that there was some sort of feature (be it aesthetics or what you were wearing) that was similar. This bears nothing close to racism at all. Now having a sign at the front of the Pizza Place stating: "No Blacks Allowed", does ring bells.  

  8. Get over it.  Everything that anyone says can be taken good or bad.  Not everything is about race even with little comments.  Sometimes the others are just ignorant sometimes they are trying to get attention.  It's how you take it.  For me..I'm white and I don't care if someone calls me a honky or whatever other supposed "bad" word for a white person.  I have a sense of humor and can take anything as humorous and not a continuous attack.  I wish others could just accept so words don't cause these issues.  Every word has more than one meaning.  If you always take the bad then that's all you're going to see.  I've seen many black people "assume" with white people also.  It's a person thing..NOT a race thing.

  9. It's not offensive but an aspect of being a minority regardless of origin

  10. oooohhh your sensitive,I'm pretty sure you'd play the race card if someone said hello to you,seems to me your imagining things,your defo reading more into it than necessary

  11. He was being dumb and stereotypical...whether he was racist or not is another story that needs more looking into with future evidence...but it can't be determined by for now, you can relax but don't get uptight if u go back to the same shop, just observe him from now on...

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