
Was this rape? PLEASE HELP!!!!?

by Guest61034  |  earlier

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Me and my cousin met 3 guys and we were on their patio hanging out. & they started smoking weed and I had never smoked weed before and they gave me a few shot guns (blowing the smoke in my mouth from there mouth) and I got high really quick. I remember most of the night but the next day when we saw the guys again one friend said I had s*x with one of the guys. I feel ashamed, embarrassed, hurt, I would have never had s*x with him. I dont remember any of it so I was wondering if that is rape. I told a close friend about it, but I dont know if I should tell the police. i'm 18 can someone help me?




  1. Did you say no?

    Did you ask him to stop?

    Were you willing to continue?

    It's not rape if he just got you high and you guys had s*x.

    It is if you said no or asked him to stop.

    Good Luck and God Bless


    You don't remember having s*x with any of the guys???

    Did you wake up with the feeling down there that something wasn't right or was it just when they told you that you knew?

    Maybe they are just pulling your leg and maybe you didn't.

    You should have went to the hospital right after so they could have did a rape kit to check for fluids.

    You can report it..

  2. I don't know...YOU don't remember ANYTHING about having s*x with them, it could be possible that your friends are lying about it...You should probably go to the doctors and ask to give you an exam to check if there are any signs of sexual activity...

    It honestly depends on if you were just high and as someone else said it sounds as though you got slipped something else, and were too faded/drugged to object, plus you probably wanted it if you were under the influence of something. But then again, if you can't remember anything, there is a possibility that you TRIED objecting...

    The girl you were with isn't a very good friend for letting you have s*x with him. In my experiences, back in my days my friends were always there to protect me from these kind of situations even if they were drunk/drugged up as well.

    Still go to the hospital, and probably the police as well...

    If you did have s*x with him , he could have gotten you pregnant or gave you an std...

    Good luck and next time be sure that you are going to be safe. Any time guys and drugs/alcohol are mixed while you're around its not a good idea..

  3. You can't get that spaced out from weed!  (meaning that you can't remember anything) Period.

    Either they are bs'ing you, or you had some drinks, or were slipped some other drugs.

  4. Well, it's very unlikely to get high from a few shot if you were raped these dudes must have slipped you some kind of drug or something...which means that it was rape...did you feel any different when you woke up? most women can tell if they have had s*x recently, you usually can still feel where your body was stretched during penetration...did you feel any of this? Because you may be the dude of a joke...ask your friend again to just make sure and if you feel that you were violated call the police.

  5. That is not considered rape becasue right now by what you ar esaying you got high then had s*x, unless you now you told him to stop and he continued then it is considered rape but if you just got high then agreed to have s*x it is not rape, but i might get tested to see if you have any other drug in you becasue weed does not get you that messes up to where you can not remember also if there was another type of drug then there is a possibility you could get him in trouble for rape..

  6. rape is when u r forced to have s*x with someone. it was not rape it was becuz u were high

  7. Yes it is, but since he wasn't aware of what he was doing either it might be hard to prove. Talk to someone on the rape crisis hotline.

  8. If you don't remember having s*x with the guy I wouldnt worry too much.  I never heard of anybody not remembering actions due to weed.  Now alcohol or other drugs, it is possible.  Weed would have made you more open to the idea of s*x b/c you are feeling all good and stuff but you would have remembered it.  How do you know for sure that you did, just somebody saying you did?  If it is proved that you did, I would try and find out if there were any other drugs in your system b/c it is always possible of them slipping you something.  Weed would have only made you more open to the idea or if you had enough of a high (and this part is possible since it was your first time high) you would have passed out.  Just check all the facts and if it comes down to you having that dude's you know what inside you, then perhaps do something legally against him bc it isn't right.  good luck!

  9. yes i am sorry to say but that is considered rape . if you have s*x with a person that can not concent to it. it is considered rape and also you were under the influence it is the same as the date rape drug.

  10. Yes it is rape, sounds to me like they got you high on purpose, so they could have s*x with you. I would defiantly call the police and press charges too,those guys need to be locked up. After you call the police and they arrive, tell them that you need to go to the hospital a rape exam. Please do this!!!! Hope this helps.

  11. It sounds like it might not really cause when you got high you might of blacked out or something to where you couldnt remember anything.

  12. well if at the time you were saying no.

    then it would be considered rape.

    rape is considered the crime of someone forcing another person to submit sexual acts

    if it was forced and you said no...then yes that is rape.

    but if you did it, and enjoyed it, but regret it today, i'm sorry but thats your fault and it's not rape.

    but i dont know and in the end it's ultimately your choice.

  13. Just a thought, you shouldn't have BEEN SMOKING WEED. One dumb decision after another.

  14. idk

    it depends

    if you weren't awake when it happened then yes but if you were just high then no

    but if they slipped you something...

  15. Well here's a tip,don't be stupid, don't smoke weed, and you wouldn't have problems. Your friends could be lying, but I don't know why they would. I find it a little strange that you remember absolutely nothing that happened. If you did have s*x with one of them, you really can't call it rape. I mean sure, you weren't sober, but neither were they. You probably wouldn't get far if you claimed rape. It's your word against his, and you don't remember if it really even happened. Maybe you should ask your friends if they're being serious. And if they are, maybe you should ask them why they would let you do something stupid like that. Then maybe you should reconsider your definition of "friends"

  16. they could be just saying that or that they gave you pills that knocked you out.

  17. Yes you were.  I would call or go to the police station right now and say I think that I might have been raped.  If you tell them the whole truth about it it will help them.  So try not to leave anything out you remember or did out.  There may be a chance that nothing happened, but at least they can get you help to see if you were.  I would think twice about doing weed again.  Something next time could be even worse.

  18. being that you was under the influence of drugs, there was no way to find out if your motive was to have s*x when you were intoxicated, it maybe altered your mind to think that you wanted to have s*x. so idk if the police could help in that situation.

  19. It wasn't rape. Cauz you didn't say no.

  20. Weed doesnt even do that 2 you.....This is B.S or they put something in ur drink or something

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