
Was this right of the city to do?

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I am not sure if this is in the right sections but we recieved a letter from the city that we had 15 days to clean up our property. We had building materials neatly stacked in the back of our yard, a camper, Five vehicles, and some tires. They told us we had to get rid of all the tires, the camper, building materials, and two of the vehicles. We live in a R2 zoned property and my husband is a general contractor. After we recieved this letter certified we drove home and as I steped outside my vehicle I took a look to the houses on the left and the houses on the right. Now we have a lady who lives two houses down from us that has enough garbage to fill an entire landfill in the back and ten fake christmas trees with lights set up in the front which looks tacky. Then to my left we have a family with over 10 vehicles 6 of which haven't moved in three years. They stated that several people got these letters but we asked people with messy yards and they hadn't recieved one. We went to the town to talk to them about it because it said several complaints and the lady said that the mayor and town clerk went driving around and sent letters to people who needed to clean up their yards. We brought up the fact that the trailor was licenced and she said we had to get rid of it. So I shot back "I guess we aren't allowed to camp in this town". When we are out and about in town everyone on the city council will no longer wave to us in fact they quickly turn their heads. Was this letter a way to try and get us to move? We keep to ourselves, we are extremely quiet people. We go to work, come home, and stay home. I don't see how they can pick us out of the town and tell us to get rid of our things when you drive down to the school parking lot there is 13 tires sitting in the middle of the parking lot and have been for over two weeks now. They have yet to clean them up themselves. Do I keep my mouth shut and do what they ask or should I state my case with them and see why they are singling us out? We have gotten rid of the tires, the camper, the building materials, and one of the vehicles but I feel that we shouldn't of had to do any of that being we kept our property neat.




  1. It is slight non easy question to say something about rights of the city to do.

    But in short I must say the rights should be those whats can be carried over a long  not for a short time .

    ( I cannot explain it in few words) So please  

  2. Simply, that's not right. I understand how you feel. Fight for your right if you're still bothered. You shouldn't be forced to move. Get an independent lawyer far from the connections of the mayor and ask him about your concerns. good luck!

  3. this is unfair.. they should give a notice of atleast 6 months..

  4. Is there any way to file an appeal? Check with your local County Attorney they should be able to give you better advice on the situation!

  5. "right" lol they dont care they do what they want

  6. I'm assuming you're in the USA. I believe it all depends on the specifics of the city/county ordinance related to this notice. I would go back to the department that issued the notice and ask for a copy of the law related to the citation. See what it says. Chances are things are not spelled out enough for it to stick, but if you feel strongly about it, get a lawyer to advise you. Sometimes it is just easier to do what the ordinance says that to spend twice the time and money proving a point.

    The argument you made about other neighbors not receiving a notice even though their property is messy is a fallacy. People speed and break other laws every day without getting caught. If you get a speeding ticket along side five other speeders that go without getting a ticket, you're still liable for the charges.

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