
Was this rude of him, or should I let it go?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend just apologized for being a jerk. He came to my house and everything to talk about it.

Well it's the next day, and last night we said we were going to hang out (today).

He just texted me saying that him and his friends are going to play Halo, until their friend gets off work, then they're going to play some soccer.

Was this rude of him... or should I just let it go? =/




  1. well if he was a jerk then he should have made it up to you.

    and he shouldn't have changed the plans when he already had plans with you.

    if my boyfriend did that i would be upset.

  2. Let it go for now but sometime later talk to him about making plans with you AND making plans with his friends up front so you know when you are and are not going to be hanging out.

    Be a sweet and not overly needy girlfriend and very breezy about him having time with the boys but that you will not be ditched when he has made plans with you so he at least needs to call and tell you what is going on and make sure you are okay with it and not only text to say Seeya.

    But  assure him that as long as you two get some time as well you will try to be cool about it and have no problem with him hanging with the guys because you want to do things with your girlfriends as well.

  3. Yes, thats rude.

    Even if he is a guy, he promised you first.

    And he blew you off for a game D; ..

  4. Well, I don't know what he was being a jerk about, but if he apologized and you accepted his apology, then that's past history.

    Personally, I would  never get in the way of him hanging out with his friends.  The minute you make a guy choose between you and his mates, you've drawn a line in the sand that makes him resentful.  You didn't sound like you had definite plans, so what's the big deal? Maybe he can come over after soccer?  

    At least he texted you and told you what was going on.  Some guys would have left you hanging.  However, if this is the sort of thing that caused the argument in the first place -- then it looks like he didn't take it seriously. In which case, let HIM go.

  5. I'd cut him some slack, guys need time with their friends too. Anyways, if it were me, I wouldn't care or let him apologize. But if he did, then I'd give him bonus points!

  6. he needs time with his friends too just let it go and call a few of your friends over to hang out..

  7. it was rude

    buuuut he needs to hang with his friends

    maybe he just needed 'some space'

    just let it go

    if he does it again

    tell him it was rude.....yada....yada....yada

    hope i helped

  8. a bit rude & selfish of him

  9. you should let it go but tell him not to make plans with you if he's gonna be ditching you...

  10. its rude but get over it let it go

  11. let it go he also needs to spend time with his freinds

  12. not really.

  13. I think that was rude.

    He just was a jerk to you

    Then you accepted his apology and he thought he was off the hook.

    Maybe he said you were gonna hang out of guilt

    but i dont know him, right?

    Has he broken your plans before?

    anyway, i think you should tell himm it hurt you

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