
Was this song appropriate for Sarah Palin's theme?

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They played Heart's "Barracuda" at the convention, which plays on Palin's "Sarah Barracuda" moniker.

The lyrics include:

"If the real thing won't do the trick,

you'd better make up something quick"

Does this seem steeped in irony to you?




  1. Irony at its best

  2. I think Pat Benatar's Hit Me With Your Best Shot would be more appropriate.

  3. The title fits her

    The lyrics fit Obama

  4. Carly Simon's "You're So Vain" is more like it.  Ha.

    "You walked into the party

    Like you were walking onto a yacht

    Your hat strategically dipped below one eye

    Your scarf it was apricot

    You had one eye in the mirror

    As you watched yourself gavotte"

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