This sweet little old lady said to me, " I haven't seen my granddaughter in a long time, so you would pretend to be my granddaughter? You seem like such a sweet young lady and I am so lonely."
I said "sure I will". I let her ahead of me even though she had a lot more groceries than I had.
When they were done ringing her stuff up and it was all bagged up, she said to the cashier." Oh she said she would pay for it all."
What could I do? The cashier was looking at me like I was the sweetest person in the world. So I let her go and paid for her stuff and mine and than ran out after her, she was already in the car(the bagger had already helped her with the bags) and when she was about to start the car , I opened the door and pulled her out and demanded that she pay the bill or else.
Was that wrong?