
Was trading Manny a good idea?

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To the Dodgers?




  1. Yes. He wouldn't come back next year anyway. Jason Bay is going to be very good. I have a bigger problem with the Sox giving up Moss too.

  2. Yes because Manny wouldn't had made much impact now even if he was on Boston.  

  3. Manny was giving up on his team. Manny being Manny was turning into another Barry Bonds for the Press. Jason Bay may not be the best choice in the long run, but it will take the eyes off of the Red Sox a little bit.

  4. The Red Sox got an underrated Jason Bay in return for kicking Manny out of Boston.  Overall, a good move for the Red Sox because Manny wore out his welcome with the team and was creating problems.

  5. From the Red Sox point of view: Yes. with manny out, they save loads of money, Jason Bay is younger, cheaper, and is a very good player. A great move for Boston, even if they gave 2 good prospects to Pittsburgh for him.

    From the Dodgers point of  view: No. Now they have 5 outfielders who have to compete for a job, plus all of that wasted money on Andruw Jones wont help pay for Manny, who is most likely a rent-a-player for this year unless the Dodgers pick up a 40million, 2 year option. They also traded 2 good prospects to the Pirates. If Manny doesnt stay with the Dodgers, id look for him to go to someone like Detroit.

    From the Pirates point of view: We'll the anchor for this 3-way trade, they gained 4 quite good prospects. although they lost their bigest bat Jason Bay, they can take his salary and look for another up and coming slugger to fill the gap. The pirates need something to happen, now maybe something will.

  6. For the Dodgers it was ... Red Sox had to do it though he was becoming a hindrance to the team.

  7. Yes. It is addition by subtraction. Why would you want a player who has quit on you? I don't get it.

  8. I believe Red Sox management had already determined they would not be picking up his option for next year. That being said, what's the better option, keep a great player (when he wants to be) that has become a cancer in the clubhouse, or get a good player that wants to play?

    While I think Manny would have had respectable numbers had he stayed, I don't think they would have compared to what he is doing in LA. I think the trade was good for Manny, and the Red Sox.

  9. Yes, although he is a great hitter he was faking injuries and not hustling in Boston.  They had to trade him, he forced them to.

  10. nooo

  11. noooo

  12. It remains to be seen.

    He is an outstanding hitter, but a negative influence on his former team. For someone being paid $20 million/year, I think the Red Sox had every right to expect more hustle on the field, and less complaining & better behavior off of it.

    I would have liked to receive more for him in return, but I think that was indicative of how badly management wanted to get rid of him.

    On the plus side, I'm glad he wasn't traded to any team within the AL East, and having all that $$ off the books after this year frees up the Sox to retain & possibly gain other valuable players.  I definitely feel the Sox can still win without him.

  13. Absolutely. Now there might not be so many Red Sox fans.

  14. no way that was a horrible mistake

  15. i think it was a good idea cuz look at Jason Bay... hes BEASTLY!!! and yea im a red sox fan and used to be a manny fan

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