
Was what I did begging?

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Okay so last school year Mr. B the AP statistics teacher posted the list for next years AP statistics class and initially I was on the top 40 but when the official class list came out I wasn't on it. So I went to talk to Mr. B and asked him why I had not made the class list when I was on it before. He told me not to worry because people will eventually drop the class and I would eventually get in. So after couple of weeks passed by I heard from my friends that two people who didn't make the class list (like me) talked to Mr. B and they were added in the class. So I talked to Mr. B thinking that there were possible openings but he told me he had let them in because they had "sadder" stories than I did. So I waited and school ended and summer came and then I emailed Mr. B asking him to update or inform when space in the class became available. So then registration came and then my counselor told me stats was not in my schedule because the class was too full and that I would have to wait for 2 people to drop to be admitted in the class and so I waited and then I received a phone call from my counselor a couple of days ago and he told me stats had opened up. And in a heartbeat I took the offer because I had wanted to be in the class since the beginning. And so after I accepted the offer my brother who had made the class started saying that I begged to be in the class. I got really mad because he did not even considered what the two people I mentioned earlier who got in the class by talking to be did (who are his friends by the way). So I wanted to get an opinion from you honest yahoo answers, if what I did by asking Mr. B and my counselor considered begging? I mean, if anything I understand that I may have been annoying but my schedule was really weak. My friends encouraged me to talk to Mr. B al;l this time which is why I had. I originally wanted to give up that class because I had not gotten in the first time. Anyway, I know that my brother is upset at the first that I got into the same class that he did, which is possibly why he is saying all this stuff about me begging. So is what I did considered begging? Thanks




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