
Was what she said about me racist??

by  |  earlier

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I was told that this girl said that I was ugly with big lips with skin hanging off them? so is it

(im mixed race)




  1. I don't think it sounds racist.

  2. Shes Just stupid.

  3. no. it means that she doesnt like big lips and you need vaseline for your dead skin

  4. If you know your not ugly....then why take it to heart?

    IgNore her.....she means nothing to you its not like shes your mate or anything, get on with your is full of idiots like that who are beyond pathetic.

  5. No, it was just ignorant on her part.  

  6. No, don't take it to heart, she is just jealous of your voluptuous lips, tell her she is not exactly an oil painting and some collagen to the lips would enhance her appearance.

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