
Was wondering about Football? Some Questions?

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I've been getting into football and but I've never played it. I really want to play but the football summer camp thing is already over and I don't really know how to play. I'm wondering if I should sign up now or wait till next year and go to the summer camp thing and play on JV but most Juniors don't play JV.

Also I was wondering what people think would be my best position.

I'm pretty tall about 5' 11" or 6' and I don't run very fast and weigh around 130. But I'm taking weight training this term.




  1. I would say either a safety or a receiver. A safety would be better if you played before and you're used to contact. You would fit the receiver position well, just gain some speed and need to take a hit. Good luck!  

  2. I've Played A Total Of Four Years Of Football. One Year In Middle School Go Bobcats And Three Years Of High School 1 JV Year And 2 Varsity. You Have The Size An U Don't Need Blazing Speed To Play. But If Ur Not Scared To Give Hits Or If U Have Good Hands To Catch Then U Should Go Ahead And Try Out And Give It Ur All!!!

  3. Well signing up now is the best option.Dont wait.It's hard to play in ur junior year since you have to try out for varsity.Sorry juniors cant apply for JV.You could always try qb if your ok with throwing the ball or defense where you get to dish out the hits.Football is a very simple game to learn its just the position and plays you'll have to get a hang of.

  4. Go for it and sign up now.  This gives you a whole year to learn before the varsity years.   With that size and lack of speed, I would try to play Free Safety.  Its also an easy position to learn without any experience.  Plus you get to hit people.

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