
Was you bullied in school, high school or college?

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Was you bullied in school, high school or college?

How long did it lasted?

How did you reacted?

In your opinion, are there bullies only on high school, college or work? Or are bullies outside school and work too?




  1. Only in elementary school.  It was all-girls, so nothing too violent.  A lot of teasing and psychological scarring.  The only physical violence I got was from this girl who sat behind me and pinched me just above my heel, where my tendon is, and that really hurt.  When I got bullied, I cried.  Then everyone would  try to find out why I'm crying, until someone else tells the teacher and the bully gets told off.  I never "ratted", mainly because I was too absorbed in my own misery to speak for myself.  It stopped after fourth grade.  I suppose  the bully got tired of it.

  2. I was too.

    Since I was 10 until my 18 at school, and by my neighbors and boss until now. (I'm 25, and I left everything, changed appt, left my job and am now through a severe depression)

    I was told, everyday, every hour, that I was ugly, worthless, stupid, good at nothing, that nobody loved me, etc...

    In short, I just am a big sh*t from other's point of view.

  3. bullies are everywhere. and they dont just go away when you're older. they are just as many adult bullies as kids and teens.

  4. Yes i was bullied from first grade on to 9th grade when I dropped out.I was always shy,had speech problems,looked ethnic got teased about looking oreintal alot.I cryed alot and started using drugs at 11.I just didnt know how to deal with constantly being told by my entire class that I was worthless,ugly ,stupid.I made a mistake I let them rob me of my education.If I could go back I would of marched into the principals office every single day and demanded action instead of being embarrassed because my lunch was ruined or I was called a w***e at 9.I didnt even know what that was at the time.I knew it was a dirty word though and it embarrassed me.As time went by i fell further and further behind in school and began to beleive the things they said to me.Now I realize that I was actaully a very pretty little girl and from a poor religous family.I still wonder why I mean why me? I think there are bullies everywhere even online.I just tell myself they are messed up now.Its not me its them.They are the ones that are lacking.I spent most of my life in school trying to walk away or turn the other cheek.My mother would go to the school and complain but the kids who harrassed,tripped,pinched,punched and pulled my hair where mostly rich kids who Im sure dont even think about what they did to me.I went through the entire 6 grade without one freind.The kids from my church were nice to me but didnt ever want to really be my freind or be caught talking to me too much. I try to not think on it too much anymore.

  5. I was not bullied, but teased mercilessly.  It eased off in High School because there were other kids from other schools who didn't know I was to be teased (that I was a target).  In college, NO one knew my "reputation" as a target, so the teasing ended.

    Revenge is not always as sweet as some may think.  As the saying goes, payback can be a bummer!

    Have a polite day.

  6. I have never been physically bullied, but I have experienced verbal and social cruelty.  I was bullied in elementary school by mean girls because I was shy and awkward.  I was also bullied a little in college by some classmates and a professor.  Again, I was targeted because I was quiet.  I was also experiencing some health problems at the time, causing me to be in chronic pain, and leading me to be even more withdrawn.  

    I think bullying is most common in elementary and middle school.  It seems to be less common in high school, and very rare in college.

  7. In 6th grade. All the time. It was mostly just in school. After 6th grade everybody pretty much grew out of it. I saw just a little bit occasionally up to freshman year (these were only a few people) now I'm going to be a junior and I haven't really had any problems :D

  8. so much i was bullied by practily the whole school because ti was "white"  "nerdy" and the top of my class and they were all dark skined and i was also bullied miserably everyday and everynight by my sister once she got prettier it ws terrible and i still get bullied now but  people said that i was a bully to her but if they only came home with me and walked a mile in my shoes. I am thin skined so i guess i cried and fought with her (nealy broke her nose and pinky) lol Oh i also got bullied by the teachers and ignored alot maybe because they are raciist I dont really care about anyone in my school but being builled by your mother father and sister it REALLY hurts

  9. I was never bullied nor was I bully.

    I know what you mean. Most of the bullies never amounted to anything and those that did really regretted being butt heads.

  10. I'm 18, and I have to say that I was bullied a lot for being an "ugly duckling" as a little girl...but these past couple of years, this ugly duckling has turned into a beautiful swan.  No one has called me ugly for years, and I'm loving it!

  11. I was made fun of alot in middle school for being super ugly so much that i had to switch schools. lol thank God that changed.

  12. I was bullied in middle school, and a little bit in high school.  When I was in sixth grade, it was pretty bad.  Half the kids in my class decided they didn't like me, and they really let it show.  In seventh grade, it dwindled down a bit.  In eighth grade, it got a little bit better, but mainly just because I made some more friends.  However, they weren't the kind of friends I needed to have.  I started hanging out with the kids who got in trouble a lot.  I developed a really bitter and lethargic attitude.  I had a lot of contempt for the kids who were in the "popular crowd."  

    When I got to high school, things brightened up, but I still had some problems here and there.  As time progressed, I had fewer and fewer problems.  When I got to college, I was pretty much done with all the bullying.

    EDIT: I was targeted because I was really quiet and mild mannered.  Sometimes, I wish I had stood up to the people who picked on me.  I'm pretty sure I could have taken some of them.  In fact, I'm almost positive that had I stood up to them, most of them probably wouldn't have done anything at all.

  13. Wouldn't shredded potatoes be more like hash browns?

  14. I was lucky, I went to school in Germany, and nobody was ever bullied there. I didn't even know about bullies until my kids went to school here.

    We had more problems with areally mean teacher, I had one that would probably still scare me today.

    I think you can encounter bullies in every stage of life, these are just the same people who already bullied others in kindergarten.

  15. Yup because i have a skin disorder and liver diease.

    bullies are everywhere.

  16. yes. high school. i was even bullied the day i came back to school after recovering from a bad accident. i was in a wheelchair for 3 months. the day i came i was locked in a storage closet. i fliped out when i got out. went after bully that broke my knee in gym class a month before the car accident i was in and broke his hand then went after the guy that locked me in the storage room and threw a trash can at him. i was so angry. and i never got in trouble given the circumstances of everything.

  17. Hello

    So much is being made out of the bullying situation in my country

    (Canada). Like many young students I was rather wimpy and sensitive.

    To have the dreaded three o'clock high with the school bullies was

    enough to terrify and loosen anyone's bowels. I remember staying in well

    after school with my friends and helping the nun (religious teacher)

    to clean the class in order to avoid the wrath of the bully who had

    planned to give us a good l*****g after class. After an hour or so

    the nun was cross, told us we had overstayed our welcome and to get

    out. We whined and pleaded for a little more time and under pressure

    we confessed why we were staying to help.

    " Is this what all this is about ! ",she snarled.

    " Get out and face your troubles you sniveling little cowards! "

    And at that she chased us right out the side door into the arms of

    the bully. God, today you'd get weeks of psychological counciling

    instead of that kind of treatment.

    In time we'd go get boxing or street fighting lessons, and

    eventually stand up to the bullies. Even if they still beat the c**p

    out of us and we didn't rat them out they had respect for us and

    went off to torment some other kids or allow us near their fold.

    Now when I returned back to my home province some years later I met

    some of my childhood bullies in the pubs etc. I made a point of

    buying them some rounds in gratitude for I felt facing the bullies

    helped build character. If I never suffered their torment and had an

    easy childhood in school, how the h**l would I handle the real world

    at a later age with all the social, financial, work pressures,

    layoffs, back stabbing, toadying etc that are so much a part of

    adult life? I know of a few in the news that were driven to suicide

    because of bullying but I also know some adults (personally) who

    were also driven to suicide at a later age since they had ideally

    smooth childhoods and could not handle the pressures of job loss,

    drop in financial status, loss of a wife and all; pay me now or pay

    me later I suppose.


    Michael Kelly

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