
Was you cringine at Kats interveiw with Davina?

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I soooo was, i couldn't look, SHES 30 FOR GODS SAKE.




  1. It was an embarrassment to watch....If she is really like that then god help her prince charming when he tries to make a life with her.

  2. Some far eastern cultures encourage infantile behaviour in women.  

  3. Yes, she was like a child jumping and clapping and going on about everyone being her friend...I just wanted to slap her

  4. i couldnt stop laughin thru out the whole thing! she was talking 3xs faster than usual, and omg, what is with the clappin? is she amused by her own words? and at one point u cud tell Davina was gettin annoyed coz she cut her short quite abrubtly, if that was me interviewin her i would have slapped her round the chops n told her 2 grow up! she a very loyal friend, u cn tell, but she is also extremley irritating! id av taken that cookie off her n fed it to my dogs, then watch her cry like a baby, agen, for the umpteenth time, bless her!!

  5. The only word I could understand from her was 'happy'. lol.  They should have put sub-titles up on the screen.  

  6. Yes! she was putting on a stupid little 'kat' show again. SHe's so irritating it's unbelievable ! She was acting like a 10 year old.  

  7. lol i know! she acts like a 3 year old! (clap cap clap clap clap) happy happy happy house!  

  8. i know and did u notice she was talking more weirder in ther interview than she was in the house

    thats the only bad thing about kat bein evicted.....u have to listen to her interview

  9. She is a masseur, what you expect !

    Intelligent conversation !

  10. yer i was screaming that at my tv!!!

    davina did not look to impressed with her did she, don't think she was a fan!!!

  11. yuk !

  12. Yeah ..Davina was very patronizing too

    dR bad

  13. I couldn't believe how she was acting she was worse then an hyperactive child. i glad she want she was really getting on my nerves

  14. i agree, i couldnt understand a word!! It was refreshing to see someone who was genuinely moved by the relationships she'd formed in the house though. But yeah she was pretty embarrassing- but thats just her  

  15. Yes, she comes across as a primary school teacher and is so patronising. Why does she try to pretend she is a hip teen when she is in her 40s?

    Kat wasn't much better.


  16. YESS! omg how bad was she.

    Talk about playing up for the cameras!!

    never seen anything like it.

    After the interview me and my mum just looked

    at eachother and said 'shes got issues'

    The womans mentally insane.

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