
Was your baby born with curly hair or did it get curly later on?

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My baby was born with straight hair..I have almost straight with some wave hair..and my husband has this curly hair..I thought her hair for sure would be there a chance iw will get curly has it grows back...she lost a lot of her baby hair she is 3 months..thanks




  1. my daughter had silky, black, straight all (but two spots) fell out. she started really getting lots of hair right after her first bday, and it is a light brown and extremely curly. my daughter was completely bald (aside from two spots) by 3 1/2-4 months

  2. my son is 5 months old now and almost completely bald still. What little hair he does have depends on the weather, if its humid n rainy, it curls if not its straight.

  3. It is very possible it will get curly or wavy with time.  My oldest son was born with straight hair and by 2 years old he had shirley temple curls and I ended up getting his hair cut and when it grew back it was very wavy and thick.  My youngest son though was born with straight hair and has had his cut a few times and still at 3 years old it is very straight and thin.  

  4. My daughter had string straight hair as a newborn.  When she was about 4 months old it fell out and came back with some curl.  by her second birthday she was full of curls!

    My niece was the exact same way!

  5. my baby is 5 .5 months and was born with/has straight hair and I am also sure it will grow in curly later on ((she lost a lot at 3 months but not all of it, she still has a good bit - I dont know how though the way it was falling out it covered EVERYthing LOL))

    I had ringlet curls until I was about 7 or so and now its wavy and my husband has very curly hair soooo - I'm in the same boat as you :) also she was born with/has mostly black hair but it is coming in blonde underneath

  6. My daughters was  a little curly at birth, but then straight. Now it is curling up quite a bit behind her ears, she is 9 months. It is definitley going to be very curly. My husband and I both have curly hair.

  7. Both of my kids were born with straight, sometimes a touch wavy hair. As soon as it started growing a good bit, they got the curls.

    Here's how my youngest son's hair is:

    It went from this(when he was one)

    To this:

    And that's on a day when he didn't let me fix it, the curls are usually more 'defined', but it was windy. Everyone thinks he's a girl(even wearing blue) because of his hair.

    I would give her a bit, I'd say it will have a curl to it.

  8. my baby's hair right now at 7 almost 8 weeks is striaght and dark brown...but both me and my bf have curly hair so soon she will probably have curly hair. i was a straight haired baby too until about one years old.

  9. We are a very curly-headed family and I will tell you...more often than not, they get the curly hair later on. My husband and I both have extremely curly hair, and our son is currently 2 months old with straight hair. Mine and my husband's hair both were straight until we were older also.  

  10. my daughter was born with dark straight hair. By the time she was 9 months old it was blonde and insanely curly

  11. my baby girl is 8 week with black straight hair but when it gets wet it's so curly! ps my hair is really curly!cant wait to see how it'll get later on too!

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