
Was your child's autism brought on after vaccinations?

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  1. No it was not twin son Thomas is nine now and has severe autism and i for one do not blame the MMR jab ...its always been there in Thomas

  2. There is no proven link between Autism and vaccinations. The only link is that Autism cannot be correctly diagnosed until at least the age of 5 (I'm just using my opinion) and thats when the child would get the last of the shots. The social limitations and sound issues coupled with the learning disabilities and emotional outbursts really can't be defined until then. How could anyone know they were caused by something that every child gets....shots?

    My son has an Autism Spectrum disorder called PDD-NOD. It was not caused by shots, nor could it ever be proven. Parents look for answers when a child is diagnosed with a disorder. They find whats in common with other parents of children with the same disorder. Shots are in common in this case, nothing else. The problem is that Autism is a fluke in my opinion. My son also has Hydrocephalus, it also was a fluke. I didn't do anything to cause it, and I'm sure the shots didn't do it because he was diagnosed while I was pregnant with him. Sometimes things just happen.

    My sons website is:

  3. I think that blaming autism on vaccinations is just an easy way to put the blame somewhere. My brother has always been autistic, it wasn't caused by any shot. My cousin has always had aspergers, that wasn't caused by any shot.

    I honestly believe it's genetic. To me, that make sense. My brother has autism, my cousin has aspergers and lots of people in my family have autistic traits.

  4. My son is autistic, and no I don't believe that vaccinations had anything to do with it.  At this time there is no proven correlation between the vaccines and autism.  I think that the reason parents are assuming it is the vaccine is because when that vaccine is given a child should be reaching certain milestones and is not doing so.  That makes the delays that much more noticeable to the parent.  

    At this time NOBODY knows what causes autsim, but it is a fact that autism is on the rise.

  5. I don't think so but I don't know.

  6. ok that's really ignorant to think that. Remember a vaccination is just when someone is injected with a dead or dying disease so that your body can build up an immunity to it. If your child develops autism after vaccinations its just a total coincidence possibly because autism becomes more noticeable during the times your child would start to receive vaccinations. in short its a myth.

  7. To answer your question, scientists are now finding that there are several TYPES of autism. SInce autism is a disorder based on behavioral observations, there may be many causes for similar behavioral diagnosis. I believe that there is a genetic component, however, I do know that my two oldest children have autism, and that they suffered severe reactions (and subsequent frontal lobe damage) from their injections. I have younger children who have never been vaccinated, and are not autistic. So, where is the genetic argument there? Two kids autistic, FIVE kids who are not. The odds are just too weak for a complete genetic argument. Now to get offtrack into a metadiscussion about other answers....

    Nowitt, children can be diagnosed as early as 18 months, and current scientists are developing screening techniques that can find autism in a child as early as three weeks. So five is really not the current thinking. In fact, if you can start early intervention at 18 months, you are likely to train a child to act more nt by the time they are five.

    As for shots "only" having dead cells, oh please. What do you think killed the cells? What keeps bacteria from growing? Until October 2005, (and drs can choose to purchase old lots of vaccines, that still have it) there really was thimerisol in the shots. I can't believe that anyone would just follow the party line without educating themselves.

    Other ingredients currently include (from

    aluminum hydroxide

    aluminum phosphate

    ammonium sulfate

    amphotericin B

    animal tissues: pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brain,

    dog kidney, monkey kidney,

    chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg

    calf (bovine) serum


    fetal bovine serum





    human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

    hydrolized gelatin

    monosodium glutamate (MSG)


    neomycin sulfate

    phenol red indicator

    phenoxyethanol (antifreeze)

    potassium diphosphate

    potassium monophosphate

    polymyxin B

    polysorbate 20

    polysorbate 80

    porcine (pig) pancreatic hydrolysate of casein

    residual MRC5 proteins



    thimerosal (mercury)


    VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey kidney cells

    washed sheep red blood cells

  8. i thought it was hereditary

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