
Was your hunch right when you guessed the s*x of your baby?

by Guest67009  |  earlier

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We couldn't find out because our hospital has a policy not to reveal the s*x of the baby. We both really want a boy but I have that "girl feeling".

Did you have a hunch about the gender of your baby before you found out officially, and was it right?

Obviously it doesn't matter, we all really just want a healthy baby. I feel that goes without saying, but figured I should say it anyway before someone else points it out.




  1. i have two boys and thought they were both girls everyone said i carried like it was a girl and everything but nope two boys...

  2. everyone thought id have a boy, and i carried like i was having a boy, and it was a girl!

  3. I have always thought I was having a boy each time & was correct for only 1 out of 3

    I had girl- boy- girl

    I thought for sure the 3rd child would be a boy cause I had the same pregnancy symptoms but I guess that is no way to tell

  4. i really thought i was having a girl.

    but i'm having a boy.

    i think you have a 50/50 chance of being right lol.

  5. I found out i was having a baby girl at my gender scan...And it was correct i had a beautiful baby girl...Alot of hospitals do not tell you the s*x of the baby now because in some religions they should have boys so they get rid of the girls (which is absoloutly terrible!!!)...

    Everyone told me i was having a baby boy. I thought i was having a baby girl i just had the feeling like you say...Towards the end of my pregnancy my boyfriends mum said i was having a baby girl and sure enough i did...My instinct was right...and i was over the moon!!

    Good Luck!!

  6. i thought i was going to have a boy but ended up with a girl so my hunch was wrong

  7. I've always wanted a boy, but shortly after I found out I was pregnant I knew I was having a girl. I was drawn to girl clothes and girl baby names.. and I just had a gut feeling. When we went for our gender ultrasound her girl parts were the first thing on the screen and I knew before the tech even told us.

    I'm so excited about having a girl now, and I never wanted one before.

    So you will be just fine if your little one ends up being a girl!!

    I can't believe hospitals have that policy, I understand why, but it's still weird.

    Good Luck with everything!!

  8. I didn't want to find out the s*x of our second baby.  I was sure it was a boy.  My sisiter and I even called the baby Bob.  Not that thats what we would were really gonna name him or her but it was just our thing.  Any way it was a girl.  I'm now pregnant with our 4th and I think it's a girl but I want a girl so I don't know what to think.  Good luck and I hope you have a healthy baby (the s*x you hope for too ;)

  9. Yes although people tried to convince me i was wrong including the ultrasound tech but I knew in my heart i was having a boy all three times and sure enough i was right.  

  10. i had the feeling in my first pregnancy right from the 2nd month that i am having a was true..i found out at 14 weeks ultrasound and got reconfirmation at 20 weeks.. this time im 12 weeks now and i just know its a girl..everyone keeps on telling me i will have another boy but i just knows its a soo sure that i have not even picked out a boy's only looking at girls names.. lets see..  

  11. I had a BOY feeling all 4 times and I have 4 boys and I'm 14 weeks pregnant and I have that boy feeling again this is my last baby I really want a girl but my heart says boy I'll have to wait til next month

  12. I have been right with all my babies so far.  Boy, girl, girl.  I suspect this baby is a boy. We won't find out until the big day though. I will be happy regardless.

  13. I had a strong strong feeling it was a girl since 10-12 weeks or so and then we had the ultra sound and they told us it was a girl. They still could be wrong but i know inside its a girl for sure even with out the ultra sound! lol

    So ya my hunch was right

  14. I have said since day one I was having a girl. My boyfriend wanted a boy. I couldnt even pick boy names because I was so convinced i'm having a girl.

    The US tech said it's going to be a girl but she also said boy (long story... im getting another US done on my own).

    But I know it's a girl. I just do. The same way when I saw the name "Mia" I knew that was her name. I've been calling her Mia forever and even bought girl clothes before having my first ultrasound...

  15. I knew it was a boy and he's a boy.Your gut usually is right.

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