
Was your husband there when....?

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They told you the s*x of your baby?

My husband is in the army and is leaving for important training for 2 weeks. My doctor scheduled my ultrasound 3 days after he is scheduled to leave. I would love for him to be there, but I would also like to find out before him so I can think of a fun way to surprise him! He brought up the ultrasound last night and mentioned that we kind of wanted to be there. I then told him he would have something to look forward to when he is gone. It will also keep me busy when he's gone for 2 whole weeks!! Since I don't really have any friends here at all. What would you do? Should I reschedule? Am I being selfish?

Thank you everyone.




  1. my husband goes to every appointment(i told him he doesnt have to but he does) you could ask to reschedule it for earlier...if your explained the situation im sure the dr would be understanding or ask the dr to write it down for you and wait till husband gets home to both see at the same time. it is sort of selfish if the husband says he wants to be there and you proceed without him. be thankful he cares enough to want to  be present many guys wouldnt..

  2. take him with you...that sight of him looking at ur baby in the ultrasound and hearing it for him self and seing his reaction is something youll remember forever, and if its possible you will love him just a little more if possible, trust me. when my doc said "thats your little boy!" my fiances face was priceless and i will never forget that...u wont either, i promise!

  3. I'm not sure what I would do in your situation.  My husband was there to find out the s*x of both of our kids and it was important to him that he was there to find that out.   Maybe you should talk to him a little more about it.  Find out if it's really important to him that he know ahead of time or if he'd be ok waiting it out.   Then you can make your decision based off of that.

  4. For my first, he was not there.  He went to a training for the army for about 3 months.  I did however have a 2nd ultrasound scheduled through the army hospital so that he could be surprised.  I didn't want to just tell him over the phone.  I wanted him to experience the feeling himself.

    For my second, he completely missed my entire pregnancy but was there for the birth.  I took my ultrasound pictures and made copies.  I sent the originals to him in Iraq.

    With my third, he's been here the entire time. ;P

    Even though you are a military spouse, you CAN request a SECOND ultrasound immediately after your first one.  If they ask why, just let them know you'd like your husband to be there to find out for himself what the s*x of the baby is.

    I don't think you are being selfish at all.  In fact, ultrasounds are one of the few things during pregnancy that the fathers feel truly "involved" in.  

    It might be hard to reschedule your original ultrasound (you might be able to be put on the "waiting list").  I know that our army hospital, we had to wait about 3 months for just ONE ultrasound this year.  However, you do have other choices too. ;P

  5. reschedule try and get it before he leaves if you can then you can share it together and he can go off all proud and telling people the s*x of his baby. two weeks is not long to wait any way there is no way I would want to go without my hubby  when we were told I wanted to see the look on his face. it is hard for the men to feel envolved since they don't have the baby in the belly and ultra sound is just one way to make him a big part of his unborn babies life

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