
Was your pediatrician accurate in predicting your child's height?

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When my daughter had just turned 2, I took her for a checkup at her pediatrician who said she'd be about 6'0" tall. He said if you doubled their height at 2, that's about how tall they grow to be, and her height doubled was 6'2". Her father is 6'8" but no one in my family is taller than 5'10". I am 5'7" Her height doesn't matter to me, but I'm just curious. A girl over 6'0" is very tall.




  1. My son was an average sized baby - 7# 4 oz.  His doctor predicted he would be no taller than 5'8".  He is now 21 years old, and 6' tall.

  2. pshh, they are totally guessing..yeah they have a nice little formula but those turn out to be true about I was supposed to be 5'8", I'm 5'3". So I'd say you're daughter will be somewhere between 5' and 6'5" lol.  

  3. I never had my height predicted, but I am 14 and am 5'11". I really like being tall. I wish I could just grow one more inch though so I would be 6 foot. I am adopted, so I really don't know the height of my biological parents. My brother is 15 and he is about the same height as me, and he was adopted too. Although, my parents arn't really very tall, my mom's brother is about 6'4" and his sons who are 18 and 21 are 6'4" and 6'3". So, I am not really out of place in my family because there other tall people, but at school, I'm practically the tallest girl, and I'm even taller than some guys. don't worry about it though because most people like to be tall.

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