
Was your pregnancy Planned or just a surprise?

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Was your pregnancy Planned or just a surprise?




  1. Planned. Me and hubby wanted to have a baby before I get to old. I am now 38, was 37 when I conceived. I am 39+ weeks pregnant.

  2. I'm not pregnant but I want to have a baby.  However, I am still on birth control.  If I were to become pregnant I would be ecstatic but it would not be "planned" per-say.

  3. Mine was planned.  By husband and I tried for 6 months when we finally got blessed!

  4. Complete surprise :)

  5. I had two wonderful surprises!!

  6. surprise! it was great

  7. Mine was kinda both. I wanted a baby but really didn't and when I found out I was I was surprised but I kinda planned it

  8. It was planned but a surprise it happened so quickly.  I figured it would take 4 months or so like it did with my 1st.  But it happened the 1st month!  It changed a few things with our wedding we were planning.  But I didn't mind.  I figured I would be a month or two along when we got married, well I was 5 months along.  So I had to get a different dress.  

  9. I had 3 beautiful surprises

  10. Both! We had been trying for 3 years and right when we started tests to find out what was wrong we got pregnant.

  11. We had been planning but I thought for sure that it wasn't going to happen this month! We were actually getting ready to start tracking my ovulation and "trying for real".

    So it was both actually!

  12. My first pregnancy was planned.

    I'm currently on pregnancy #2 and it was a TOTAL surprise !

  13. Well after i found out i was pregnant my then boyfriend told me he tricked me on purpose to keep me, he thought that it would keep me and the second one i had cancer and had gotten off birth control even though i tried to be careful i still got pregnant so yes to me both of mines were surprises

  14. I was unable to make an appointment in time to refill my pills and only missed a few weeks (not even a month). That's all it took for little Selina to surprise us. But my husband and I love her and we love being parents.

  15. Ours was DEFINITLY a surprise. But now, we couldn't be more excited!!!!

  16. My first baby was a total surprise! I didn't think that I could get pregnant because I had, had an ovary removed. Well, after having three kids I have figured out that one ovary works as good as two!  

  17. I think this is a pretty personal question to some people.

    Mine was planned

  18. Planned down to the second. We did IVF. I am confused about accidents and surprises. No one should ever be either when they are having s*x. I am not judging I just do not get it. I mean this more for the accidents, because surprises still sound wanted.

  19. Mine was planned but I was surprised how quickly it happened. Only 2 tries! We were very blessed!

  20. Well, I was off birth control for 10 months, so we definitely were wanting a baby- but finding out I was pregnant was still surprising! (Though not shocking...)

  21. The first was a suprise the second was planned

  22. I'll never forget that night.  I was laying in bed with my wife, we were just about to go to sleep when she said, "I'm late."  I said, "For what?"

    An hour later I was at the all night grocery store picking out an EPT.

    We had a surprise.  hehehehe

  23. Neither of my pregnancies were planned, but we weren't using protection, so we knew it was bound to happen. This is mine & my husbands second baby and we are just thrilled! :)  

  24. Planned

  25. First time it was a surprised and the second one was planned.

  26. my first was a suprise and with my second, i stopped taking my pills and thought it would take a couple months to get pregnant... nope! i was pregnant 2 weeks later. So, it was planned but also a suprise that it happend so quick! which im soo happy and thankful for seeing that it takes some women years...

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