
Was your ultra sound to check the babys s*x correct?

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We had an ultra sound at 21 weeks and 31 weeks and both said girl. So we pinked out everything! Now i am 37 weeks and people are telling me all these stories about them thinking it was a girl and it being a boy!!! Any one had experiences either way?




  1. yup, i had a girl as predicted....they are usually right..

    There is either something there or not ,lol

    I wondered the same thing after purchasing all gender specific items


  2. Most of the time it's correct, but my cousin was told she was having a boy through 2 ultrasounds, they went all blue and boy nursery, and ended up having a girl, so you really never know! Good luck and pray for a girl!

  3. Mine was correct...they were able to tell he was a boy even when I was only about 13 weeks, but they wouldn't give me a definite answer then.  I left myself with a 10% possibility of error until at around 25-30 weeks they gave me an ultra sound picture of him that no one could argue with!

    I did talk to people during that time though, and they said that if there is an error it is generally when they predict it will be a girl.

  4. ours was very accurate

    i read up a bit on ultrasounds before i went and i distinctly saw the "three white lines" doctors look for if it is a girl

    she was in a very good position  

  5. yes both times.

  6. i am 34 weeks having a girl and i did the same thing!! Pink Every where you look! Clothes, crib, walls, you name it either pink or brown! I have the same mixed feeling you do, but boys do not have ovaries, my ultra sound showed those!! Well Congrats and Good Luck!

  7. when i went for my ultrasounds i was told i was having a girl even with them checkin the heart beat docs would tell me its a girl. so i done the typically thing of going out and buying girl clothes and doing a girl theme. but then the day of the birth it was a boy, it took me awhile to adjust to the idea as i automatically thought he wasnt mine as it was meant to be a girl.

    but so happy that i did get a boy :)

  8. I had an ultrasound at 15 weeks and was told it was a boy as with all of the other ultrasounds and it was accurate.  My sisters and family have all found out through ultrasound what they are having and I have never known anyones to be incorrect.  Modern techonology is pretty good!

  9. what do feel you are having? Some women can predict their baby's s*x. with my first I felt it was a girl then in the ultrasound at 22 weeks they told me it was a girl. On my second I had the feeling that it was going to be a boy and at 21 weeks they confirm it. ultrasounds are pretty accurate. With my son people told me the opposite about them thinking it was boy and it ending up being up a girl. People will talk and say things to make you feel bad and put you down. But like I used to tell them "The s*x doesn't matter as long as they are Strong and Healthy!' That will shut them  

  10. UGH, i HATE (sorry, strong word... but i do) when people say things like that to me. I think it is so rude because it makes us worry for nothing. I do not personally know anyone who that has happened to. Although, there are never a shortage of people who like to tell me their friend painted a room pink and had a boy or vice versa... blah blah blah.

    My husband calms me down when he says, "how long ago did those people have babies?? 10 years? 5 years? 20 years? think of how far advanced ultrasounds are now compared to then."

    I think he is right, and i think its safe for you to stock up on pink bunnies... 21 and 31 weeks both said girl and i say they are probably right!!

    all the best to you!!!!

  11. They are pretty accuurate.

  12. well most of the time they are correct .. i did not get the chance to find out as my baby had his legs crossed and they could not tell so i had to wait .... never wanted to know with my first two.

    hope it is all ok though and you have a lovely girl  

  13. hey were going through this right now!! my mom swear this pregnancy was a boy as it was so different from us girls. but the ultrasound said its a girl. but where i live [on a base] many people told me that alot of the babies that had an ultrasound here were supposed to be girls and ended up boys and vice versa. so hopefully its a boy in our situation!

  14. My stepson who is 6, My husband says they where told over and over(4 ultrasounds) that it was a girl, but out came a boy! They had all the pink stuff and everything, he says it's funny now, because when they left the hospital he left in a pink carseat and everyone kept saying "congrats on your baby girl" but then he would say "he's a boy" and just keep walking, he said people had this look on their face like they had just been caught on hidden camera or something!!

    but we where told boy with our 2 year old, and out came a boy!

  15. It was right for my 1st and my twins.  All girls.

  16. The people who do ultrasounds have usually had a lot of experience in these things.  When i went for my most recent scan the sonographer told me that it was a girl and she was over 90% certain.  She did also say that it is more difficult to tell with girls than with boys.

    With my first my 20 weeks scan showed it was a boy and it was right . . .still i had to ask after he was born because i presumed i knew but afterwards thought 'what if they were wrong?'

    A friend of mine found out with both of hers and it was correct, one boy and one girl.

    I have shown all the typical signs of having a girl and everyone was convinced that i was having a girl before i went for the scan so i think it was pretty accurate but who knows, will find out in 4 months time!!

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