
Was your wedding day the BEST DAY?

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did anything disasterous happen eg

whats your funniest wedding story for you or a friend




  1. my wedding is up there with the day our little girl was born. Nothing bad happened that I can remember but I had drank a few lol

  2. It was a fantastic day!  So far it has been the best day of my life. x*x

  3. I'm not married yet, my gf said no again for teh 4 th time arhhh :-(

  4. My wedding day is a day that I will never forget.

  5. It was a good day but I'm pretty sure it's not going to be the best day of my life. I'm not going to sell myself short in thinking my best day has already happened!

  6. My wedding day ranks in the top three but I'd have to say the day my daughter was born was the best day of my life.

  7. The best day ever, everything went very smoothly and the day will never be forgotten.

    Fantastic, amazing, prefect

  8. It was a VERY good day! I mean it had its times but it wasn't a disaster by ANY means. I almost put my husbands ring on the wrong hand and stomped my foot like "oh sheesh i'm crazy" It was really funny everyone laughed.... The flower girl left 1 flower as she walked. LOL! But it actually looked cool!  

  9. nope sorry divorced now

  10. Oh my was definitely one of the best days of my life.

    My wedding day, and the birth of each of my two children.  Nothing can come close to topping them.

    Oh...the funniest story is a friend of mine had her goddaughter as her flower girl, and the girl was two and was in the middle of potty-training.  (We could see this one coming a mile away...)  Anyway, the girl gets three-quarters of the way down the aisle, stops, grabs her tush and says, "Mommy, poopie!"  I thought everyone there was going to die laughing.  (Thankfully, this includes the bride and groom, who at least had the presense of mind to understand that you should always expect the unexpected with children.)

  11. I'm not married yet  

  12. No, but, the day my divorce was final was pretty awesome!

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