
Washed clothes don't smell clean. Why?

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My shirts still smell like BO even after being washed and I'm wondering if anyone has had the same problem and knows how to fix it? We use Sunlight laundry detergent, the powder kind, warm water, and we don't overfill the washer. So why does it do this? Do I need to wash them twice or hand scrub them first? Thanks for any suggestions.




  1. I would throw a cup of baking soda and 1/2 cup of vinegar into your wash with your laundry soap.  Make sure you use plenty of water, like set your washer to full load if you have 1/2 load.  This works for me when my cat pees on my towels.  stupid cat.

  2. add fabric conditioner to the wash

    make sure washing is dry before folding

    also check the heat your washing at it may need to be higher to ensure it's clean  but not every time if your trying to be greener!!

  3. look on the tag if the clothes have to be washed inside out it can smell if you do it right side out hope i helped

  4. I use More detergent than the box says to use, about an extra cup of soap.  liquid softener and dryer sheets (bounce).

  5. Its probably your laundry detergent.  I would use a better brand, Cheer, Gain, Tide.  

  6. i wonder if you are letting them sit in the washer too long before you put them in the dryer?

    sometimes when that happens we call that 'sour' laundry

    as for the sunlight laundry detergent that seems tight

    do you use fabric softner? that might help give it a fresh scent?

  7. did you keep your clothes too long in the wash after you were done washing them? what about keeping them in the dryer for too long after they were done drying? one or both of these can be a big problem

  8. Add a cup of vinegar or ammonia to your laundry load. Or buy Penguin Wash that is sold at REI which also works extremely well in deodorizing.

  9. Sometimes if you leave them in the washer or dryer theyll smell like mold or musty. Try using gain thats a pretty strong soap, oxyclean might help.

  10. try prewashing the dirtiest areas before they go in the washer

  11. I'm guessing it's the armpits that smell? If so, before washing just pour some disinfectant into a spray bottle (add just a little water so it's not too thick to spray through the nozzle) and spray onto the armpit area.  I have 1 or 2 items that ALWAYS smell within a few minutes of wearing even when they're freshly laundered, and it works a treat.  I think it's bacteria causing the smell, so kill em first before washing!

  12. Get some drier sheets

  13. mabye you need to wash the shirt twice.i dont think you need to hand wash it,i think its easier if you just put it in the washer again.I hope it work out!!!

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