
Washer Machine that makes clothes stink?

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We have a washer machine in our condo and our tenant complained of having stinky clothes due to the washer machine. My husband went and checked it out and confirmed that the smell was from the washer...He ran a test and the agitator wasn't really moving. Any ideas???




  1. I run the web site Rainbow

    There are numerous best practices, most of which no one uses.

    Every once in a while, you should run an empty load with bleach to clean out the machine and keep the pesky odor from developing.

    Failing to ran a full cycle with  no clothes and bleach can cause mold/mildew to develop which may be the source of the smell.

    Trying this out can't hurt.

    Don't forget to rinse out the bleach before using on colors!!

  2. Call a repair man?

    When the agitator isn't moving but the motor is running - the motor is about to burn out - that's where the smell is coming from.

    What's cheaper? A new machine or a new motor - I'd say a new machine - far less hassle in the long run!

  3. buy miele its avery good washing machine

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