
Washing clothes by hand?

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Is it better for the environment to wash clothes by hand and air dry them?




  1. It is really good for the environment.

    You are not using electricity and not using that much water to clean them. The website in the Know your source lists has a better and easier way of HAND washing your clothes. It is really easy. Their are so many things that you can save by hand washing clothes.

    Hope this was a good answer.

  2. depends on the energy source used to power your washing machine.

    If the energy for your washing machine comes from a clean and renewable source then it makes no difference. I recently read an article about a teenage girl from India (i think it was India) who invented and made a washing machine powered by riding a bicycle.

    I know of some people who have houses where the primary source of power is from a small hydroelectric source. Their energy source is therefore as clean as you can get.

  3. I still use my red neck washing machine; a 5 gallon bucket and a toilet plunger even though I have a washer and dryer.

    for a small white load or a good sweater...

    last week I picked up a length of rope and a couple big cups hooks; one in my fence and the neighbor let me put one in her fence. (apt complex with wall thing every apt) about 15 feet apart and a broom handle with a notch in the top...instant clothes line that can be removed asap.

  4. The best smell in the world is wash that's been hung up outside to dry....I absolutley LOVE that smell!

  5. Yes, that is very true. Because washing machines use a lot of energy.

  6. Definatly.  When I wasn't working I actually got a washboard at a yard sale and used that, (it's amazing how good those things work)  Now that I'm busy, I don't have time to be scrubbing clothes on a washboard, many of use don't have that kind of time.  Now I just wash in cold water and hang to dry.

  7. In what why> Have you ever done it?Other than delicates and undies it is darn hard work.You will use the same amount of water,soap,but you will be saving the electricty,and after you drive to the store to get bandages and ointmnent to fix your hands you have saved nothing.!PLeaseee!Nothing wrong with line drying it will make your clothes last longer maybe but then you will have to iron them and that takes more than your dryer,nothing wrong with the old ways they were what they were for the times,but,.....If you line dry sheets,blankets,quilts,pillowcases,table... generally don't need ironing saving you over time,like all things one must think and then act.That will save electricty and your money.

  8. Of course. However, most people don't have the time (or the stamina) do do things like this that were the norm only 2 generations ago and that are better for the environment.

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