
Washing hair question???????/?

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Is is bad to wash and condition your hair twice a day every day?




  1. yea

  2. It depends.  If you are prone to dandruff and a greasy scalp, then it wouldn't hurt.  It also depends on the work you do. If you are outside sweating and such, it would be good to shower regularly.   If you have no greasy scalp problems but just like the feeling of the clean hair, I recommend only conditioning once a day, but feel free to shampoo twice daily...don't be afraid to listen to your scalp...I'm sure it will know when its had too much washing.  

  3. its not good. it really dries out your hair, even with the conditioner. i've heard that you should wash your hair maybe once every two days, i've heard that rarely. i do sometimes, but mostly once a day. :)

  4. If your hair is really dirty then no, but I can really dry out your hair. My suggestion is to dilute your shampoo down with water so the detergent isn't as strong, and to only use the conditioner on the ends of your hair once a day. But overall it depends on your hair type. If your hair is already dry, then yes it is bad because it will make the problem worse. If you are just washing it because it is oily, don't. Just sprinkle baking soda (the orange arm and hammer box) on your roots to soak up oil. Brush till it is not visible.

    Good luck!

    But why would you want to wash your hair twice a day anyway?  

  5. i've heard it is cos it's gonna wash away your hair oils that are suppose to keep your hair healthy..but i dnt think its bad to the point where your hair will fall off..

  6. I wouldn't recommend it.  Your hair does have natural oils, and it will get dry.

  7. yes u can kill ur hair from the natural oils being flushed out and ur hair will get frizzy!

  8. Yes. Washing your hair too often washes out the oils in your hair that the scalp needs to keep your hair healthy and shiny.

    If you take two showers a day, skip washing one time, even go every other day if your hair doesn't get greasy looking.

  9. Yes. You're stripping your hair and scalp of the natural and essential oils that protect them every time you wash. So washing too often can actually damage your hair. Once a day should be the most. Once every other day or every two days is a better routine.

  10. your natural oils are being stripped from it so then your hair becomes greasier quicker, it isn't bad for your hair but it can be annoying to have to wash it so much.

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