
Washing soap is it harmful if taken?

by  |  earlier

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i am 6 months pregnant and i love eating or brushing my teeth with washing soap, or even to smell it along through out the day.will it have any effect on my baby after birth?




  1. That is one of the strangest things I've ever heard.   I hope your baby is ok, IDK.

  2. Sorry to say this but washing soap is for clothes

    It does not belong in your teeth.

    Use toothpaste

    Otherwise it might harm your baby.

  3. Mmmmmh..... You may well have a condition called Pica (how much are you actually 'eating' and swallowing) - try reducing the amounts of soap you digest a little at a time .... rather than going 'cold turkey' avoid buying the soap you particularly like maybe try purchasing a stronger more caustic type of soap that you don't particularly like so that your intake will also be naturally reduced.

    The most important element will be WILL POWER. It may well be prudent to see if your soap eating is linked to other things in your life .... like stress for instance - are there times when you eat it more etc.

    I don't think small quantities can be doing you a great deal of significant harm and the body if in good shape it will act as a filter to discard anything that it is not benefiting from and remove large amounts of toxins.      Also your placenta will do this for the baby, so try not to worry unduly.

    - If you are particularly concerned however perhaps you should have a quick word with your Doctor, as you may well be iron deficient or have some other dietary shortfall.

    Links that you may find useful -

    All the best !

    Rest assured your not the only person in the world to have experienced this habit - below is a simular story.

    <<<<<< and they have survived to tell the tale !!  

  4. thats weird.  

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