
Washing very throughout using conditioner ( Acid-base) on the hands killing precum workable ?

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i need this answer promptly as im having paranoid about mutual masturbation as it is less dangerous but it seems to my precum may also cause pregnancy and i nid queries whether wash my hands

throughoutly would lessen or kill most of the sperm ( i washed it the rubbing my whole hands for about 30seconds and wash it clearly ) any replies ? im not asking for a 100% but the rough idea of chances ( REMEMBER IT'S THE PRECUM I WASHED NOT THE SEMEM )




  1. I think this would be more suited to the health category but here goes:

    pre-ejaculate can contain sperm, but washing your hands will be an effective way of killing all of the little fellers. Don't worry, chances of pregnancy are extremely slim.

    Sexuality and health educators often warn individuals that pre-ejaculate might have sperm in it and thus could cause a pregnancy. Theoretically this is true, as there might be sperm that are still "left over" in the urethra from a previous ejaculation earlier that day or earlier in that same sexual session (either because of masturbation or sexual activity with a partner). Thus if sperm are "left over" in the urethra and then a man's Cowper's glands release pre-ejaculatory fluid, and it comes forth to the tip of the p***s during arousal, then there is a chance that some sperm could be carried in this fluid and get into his partner's body, if they are having intercourse without a condom.

    That said, research that has examined the content of pre-ejaculatory fluid has rarely found sperm present in it. This does not mean that sperm is never present in pre-ejaculatory fluid; it just means that it does not appear to typically be present

    sperm CAN NOT live outside the body for very long at all.

    hand washing with soap is extremely effective at removing them from skin.

    sperm are NOT determined whatsoever, they swim rather randomly and often bumb into each other. the reason there is so much sperm in a normal ejacualtion(tens of millions) is that they are highly ineffective at finding the egg. with out an extremely high number, implantation would be extremely rare.

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