
Washington Nationals’ management meet Prince Fielder’s agent – MLB News

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Washington Nationals’ management meet Prince Fielder’s agent – MLB News
Inside Major League sources are speculating in the media that the Washington Nationals’ management has recently met with the free agent Prince Fielder’s agent Scott Boras in order to offer a potential contract.
Fielder is still looking for a new team since he has become free agent after the end of the 2011 MLB season.
Some official sources claim that the Chicago Cubs along with Miami Marlins and Texas Rangers are also pursuing hard to sign Prince Fielder.
While some other sources are also saying that the New York Yankees along with Boston Red Sox, Detroit Tigers, New York Mets, Colorado Rockies, Los Angeles Dodgers, Chicago White Sox, Philadelphia Phillies, Cleveland Indians, Arizona Diamondbacks, San
Francisco Giants, Detroit Tigers Kansas City Royals, Minnesota Twins, Baltimore Orioles, Tampa Bay Rays, Toronto Blue Jays, Atlanta Braves, Oakland Athletics, Seattle Mariners, St. Louis Cardinals, Pittsburgh Pirates, Houston Astros and Cincinnati Reds are
making their efforts to add him in their respective roster.
Out of all these teams, the Nationals are looking in great shape and are in a decent position to sign Fielder. The team still has plenty of money and they did not include too many players in this offseason while this will also going to help them sorting
out Prince Fielder’s signing episode.
However, Fielder’s agent Boras is also showing some confidence on his client and is very optimistic that his client will get a good contract from a top team in the League. Boras who thinks his client is a match winner and feels that Fielder has the
ability to land a tremendous contract with a number of top tier MLB teams.
Boras also feels that Fielder has the ability to increase the fan base of any team with his inclusion in to their respective squad. His skill and tremendous abilities can put any team on a strong winning track. Also with the inclusion of Fielder in the roster,
the other players automatically begin to perform at a much higher level to become effective team-mates.
The next few days are very critical when Prince Fielder’s fate will be decided to see which team he is going to play in the next season.



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