
Washington Nationals trap Adam LaRoche after acquiring Denard Span – MLB Feature

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Washington Nationals trap Adam LaRoche after acquiring Denard Span – MLB Feature
An ambitious first baseman, Adam LaRoche, who was in the position of showing brinkmanship to the Washington Nationals and fetching a desired deal from the club, has been humbled.
Only he knows what the Nationals have done to his expectations regarding contract renewal after obtaining Denard Span as part of their recent trade with the Minnesota Twins. No longer can he force the Nationals to sign him for as many years as he wants.
Smart moves pay off. It was certainly intelligent from the part of the Nationals to complete a trade involving outfielder Span before approaching LaRoche in the free agent market. A clear signal has been given to LaRoche that he is not indispensable for
With Span capable of replacing Michael Morse in left field and allowing the team the option of moving the latter to first-base, LaRoche has been told indirectly that even if he leaves, the club still has individuals capable of filling his position.
Neither can he draw any hope from his distinction of being a quality slugger, because Span is more or less of his calibre in this regard.
It is the best time for the Nationals to get LaRoche to accept their offer and not insist for something that they cannot afford to give him.
Certainly, the team knows it. It is indicated from the fact that as soon as Span was included, negotiations between the agent of LaRoche and the Nationals began.
General Manager of the Nationals, Mike Rizzo has also met with LaRoche recently, which further shows that the club is trying to reap the reward of the weak position that they have put LaRoche into.
Trapped and shackled, LaRoche is ready to be gobbled by the Nationals at a lower price and for just two-years, in stark contrast to a lengthy contract extension that he envisaged before testing free agency.
It was visible from his words that he spoke after having conversation with Rizzo. He was imploring before the officials to have him in the club for more than two-years. His lofty expectations are coming down gradually.
His hubris of being a Silver Slugger Award winner and Gold Glove at first-base is turning into a state of humbleness.      
“To be honest, it’s a years thing now,” LaRoche said. “I think they’re really wanting to stick to two years. I’m trying to talk them into lengthening that. To be honest, probably just one year. I’m not looking for four or five. I understand I’m 33 years
old.  I can’t say it moved forward. We understand each other a lot more now. I think he understands where I’m coming from. He understands I want to be there, kind of my argument for three years not being unreasonable.”
Far from being blunt and assured of being awarded contract by some other organisation if the Nationals overlook him, he is making Rizzo realise his limitations and to not leave him in the lurch.
The case of LaRoche is an epic example of how the organisations can bring down expectations of their free agent players through smart moves.
Even if the Nationals need LaRoche desperately for their expedition next year, he has been tricked into thinking he is not required by the team. That is exactly what has rendered the Nationals in a position to retain him at their own terms and conditions.
More probably, as soon as LaRoche signs a contract extension with Washington, Span will be traded again. Then, LaRoche will come to know the real objective behind the acquisition of Span by the Nationals in the first place.    
The views expressed in this article are the writer's own and in no way represent's official editorial policy.



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