
Wasn't Cindy McCain's speech great..?

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I had no idea that she had so much experience helping those less fortunate around the world, as well as special-needs children..




  1. Cindy McCain reminds me of Nancy Regan and that to me is an extreme compliment

  2. She's already done more than Obama.

  3. Good deeds does not make a great speech. What she has done is commendable, but her speech was horrible.

  4. I agree Sally. And Magma H is funny.

    She obviously read from the teleprompter and she sounded drugged and like she was reading a story to a little kid.  

  5. i guess it would have been better for u if she said she hated america.

    kiss the election goodbye democrats

  6. Wasn't her outfit great?

    It costs $30,000!

    Ops, so sorry. That should be three HUNDRED Thousand dollars.

    To wit: According to Vanity Fair, Laura Bush's outfit cost between $3,400 and $4,300. But of course that's chump-change compared to the roughly $300,000 that Cindy McCain's cost (the biggest line-item being $280,000 for three-karat diamond earrings).

    For those of you keeping track at home, Cindy McCain's outfit could pay for a four bedroom, three bath, 3,400 square feet house in Wasilla.

  7. It's sad what happened to her! She turned into this Stepford Wife. Highlighting her community work was great, especially after she laughed along with the others when Palin made fun of community work. Her speech was horrible, she looked high, and she slurred some of the words.

    very sad.

  8. Absolutely NOT.  

  9. H*ll, she even looks like Princess Diana.  She'll make a great first lady. She's amazing.  She's given millions to charity and helping those less fortunate around the world.

    Both her and her husband give great speeches when they don't rehearse it.  She's done better (when it was coming straight from her heart)

  10. Well, she is so wealthy, needs lots of tax deductions.  

  11. Yes it was.

  12. yes cindi mccain is no sit back in the corner lady. she is a hard worker and frankly just because her family was wealthy and left her a lot of money homes and real estate, that is no reason to put her down, we should all be that blessed. she donates her time to help others, she alwasys has for many years. and yes she is a liscened teacher. shes worked hard for what she has, i think everyone out there would not mind one bit if they were that blessed to have wealth, but she pays her own way and doesnt ask the tax payers to do it for her. god bless cindi mccain for her great works. shes a real lady and will make a wonderful first lady.  

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