
Wasn't Obama the Guy Who Said that Waiving the 18.4¢ per gallon tax on Gas for Summer was a Gimmick?

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Now he's saying we should dip into the Federal Emergency Gasoline Reserves (and leave us vulnerable, by the way) to lower gas prices now? Isn't this a gimmic? If you let out some, prices will go down (because supply is increased), then they will go back up after that is passed. Why can't he be serious about high prices at the pump?




  1. Oh!Bama is a democratic gimmick,trying to sell the people the American people need a change.What he does or says one day is changed totally the next/ This is the only change you can expect from Barry Oh!Bama,oops forgot , he changed his christian name to Barrack for the muslom ask why he can't be serious about high prices, he isn't serious to do for anyone but himself, you in his opinion are just a vote,after that,he could and will care less about.That is his gimmick,to bait and switch,daily.

  2. Mind boggling isn't it.  His entire campaign is a "gimmick" if you ask me.  

  3. There is a reason for gas reserves ... defense. We do not want to have jets that don;t have fuel because bubba does not have enough money for gas.

    This guy has no clue, but neither do his "brothas", who are just worried about what effects them.

    Let the US lose military superiority, and all of the health, education, and housing programs won't mean so much, will they ?

    Oh, yes, the American Society of Black Engineers would likely be resolved by a foreign government that invades us.

  4. it's all gimmicks...

    drilling, reserve, gas tax...

    none of these really are expected to do anything to solve any of the problems to any degree, maybe save a few pennies here or there...

    but polls show the American people don't care and they demand something... the natives grow restless...

    in the past no one ever wanted to sacrifice the virgins in ancient societies... but either you do it, or they sacrifice you...

    politics is a dirty, old game..

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