
Wasn't Opera supporting Hillary a while ago?

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i thought i remeber Opera saying that she was supporting Hillary Clinton a few months ago now she's with Obama. Did i dream this or did this really happen?




  1. Opera is a type of music.  I think you may be thinking of Oprah.

  2. no thats not true

    she did support bush in 2000 though as far as letting him come on her show and talk about his druggie past and how he "cleaned up"

    oprah and obama have been close friends for many years, she has supported him through his whole public career

  3. Yes, she was for Hillary not long ago.  She is fickle.

  4. she probably had a negotiation session with each of them / figured out who would support her huge cable / business opportunities in the future and then backed that candidate.  sounds like she changed horses .

  5. A lot of people supported Hillary by default a few months ago. Now that people are starting to pay attention to the election, she's getting less and less support. She's really just politics as usual and people are tired of that old schtick. It should tell you something if Oprah was indeed planning on voting for Hillary and she saw enough to turn a complete 180 and go out on the campaign trail for Obama.

  6. Yeah, a Charity Opera.

  7. She was, then she got jealous of how fat Hillary's ankles got.

  8. It definetly did happen.

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