
Wasn't august supposed to be a warm month in britain?

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throughout my childhood august was a hot month, but this decade it has been just about the wettest, sometimes one of the coldest, in the calendar. now when i mention this people say it has always been so, or offer complex, contradictory reasons. almost everyone i speak to despises sun, but we must surely realise that permanent autumnal weather is potentially disastrous for our natural ecology. is there any chance that august will ever again be a warm or even moderately dry month?




  1. I live in's pretty dry right now, but the weather is much more temperate than it usually is in August (today is actually pretty hot, but for the most part it's been in the upper 70s and low 80s).

    I talked to a friend living in England saying he was sick of the rainy weather and he wants to come visit me in Oregon just to get away from the rain. That's pretty amazing considering Oregon is well known for it's rainy weather.  

  2. my opionion is this ,,

    the seasons has now shrunk,  we are now seeing the four usual seasons in a WEEK

    and not every three months

    so in one week we see sunshine, rain, cold, spring like weather

    so expect sunshine in the winter , and winter in the sunshine

    serves mankind right for pissing mother nature off.  

  3. I will take your word for it

  4. All the long range weather forecasts in April,predicted a coolish,wet summer.In London we have had unbearable humidity and l long for fresh weather

  5. Well, what a wash out..

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