
Wasn't that Sikh girl going to the High Court about her bangle pathetic? Never mind Multiculturalism..Surely

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if these people can't integrate with English/Welsh society, they should move to India, where they where won't need to?




  1. If you can't deal with someone wearing a bracelet maybe you should crawl back into the cave your ancestors lived in.

    Edit:  You 'thing' really?  No wonder you don't 'think'.

  2. it was a joke, the fact that she cut her hair is more agaist her religion than wearing that bangle, she chooses to do one part but not the other?

    how does that work?

  3. We in this country pride ourselves on the rights we have. She is a British Citizen, and as such has the same rights as you to freedom of religion. She was fully integrated into welsh society. Just because she chose a different religion doesn't mean she wasn't a good citizen etc. I have no religion - would you kick me off to the middle of no where just because i'm not christian? no, i didn't think so.

    It's a bracelet, it's not hurting anyone, so get over it.

  4. I think your question is a little too far the other way but I do agree in principle. How is it that an English person is not allowed to wear a cross at work in case it upsets other religions that live in our Christian country but a child is allowed to break the Health and Safety rules that are there for her safety on the grounds of her religion. Especially when she is picking and choosing the parts of her religion that she wishes to stick to and the parts that do not interest her.

  5. Another question designed to get a reaction

    edit - question asker, you're fecked matey I Buy My flag from China pwns your a s s ;-)

    edit - Anglo Saxons LOL you are really showing your ignorance here, do you really think the British are a pure race? i suggest you read up on a bit of history

  6. Living examples "Children are to be seen and not to be heard"

    In messing up and roughing up the head of the Elders of her own community against the wall.

    With self lack of knowledge on what school etiquette were all about while in school.

    Exposing unruly behaviour, self prides, self rudeness, self discrimination as people of different races of self racism with self lack of knowledge.

    Do not even know what is culture or custom that should stay at home in the kitchen within the community.

    Leviticus 4.13, 22

    What do you think?

  7. It works both ways. While I agree that people should integrate into society, society must also accept different cultural traditions.

  8. Ok. What if she had got married at 16 and the school wouldn't let her wear her wedding ring, would you still think the school rules were right?

  9. No jewellry should mean No jewellry. Culture, race, religion should not come into it.

    Now we could  have to let  Catholics wearing their beads, Jews could insist on wearing their scull-caps, seiks, their turbans.etc. I doubt if that will happen because these people are happy to intergrate and conform to our rules, but

    where do you draw the line.

    Uniform is uniform, no jewellry means no jewellry, if you dont like it ,,LEAVE

    I can feel a law-suit coming on, for compensation, can you?

  10. Well I tend to agree with you. But I saw the young lady in question on the news today, and I have to admit that she made me proud to be British!

    She was confident, determined, and brave, and spoke with a lovely Welsh lilt.

    She was forced into a fight with faceless authority, and she won.

    And I don't care what colour she is: I take my British hat off to her, and would be honoured to buy her a drink.

    Any day of the week and twice on Sundays ;-)

    I would probably marry the girl and wear a bracelet for her. ;-)

  11. We had to take Christianity out of our schools to pacify these immigrant parasites and now they can wear their devil worship bangles and we can not do a thing about it, Send the bloody lot back to Asia and let us get back to being British again.


  12. i agree

  13. exactlly. no other country caters minority traits

  14. personally its makes me Sikh that the UK has become a minority pandering society no wonder its like it is when i read your answers.

  15. Has anybody stopped to think that this girl might be using her religion as a two fingered salute to the school and its rules. I find the whole thing to be a pathetic waste of public funds.

  16. It starts with a bracelet, then a ring, then a nose stud, then pink hair, then what???  The judge was wrong.  The school were right.

  17. Her claims are  ridiculous . It reminds me of the time  Sikhs believing they have a religious right to carry ceremonial daggers onto international/national air flights.

    Also, she was shown on the news today wearing EAR-RINGS.

    Everyone knows any piercings or mutilation for vanity is frowned upon in the Sikh religion.

    Or do they just pick and choose which bits to follow and which to ignore? Similar to other  religious idiots.

  18. It's a bangle! They've already established 25 years ago that Sikhs can wear a bangle. I think that your post is pathetic. Go back to BNP Internet school.

  19. It's another crafty stroke by a so called minority group, with the backing of the old PC brigade, the human rights mob and now the judges as well, to let the British know who is in charge, and it ain't us British!!!

  20. yup

  21. Why shouldn't she wear her bangle? Religion is nothing to do with cultural society so she should still follow her religion! It just goes to show why she had that problem - because there are narrow minded people like you in the world.

  22. i think your post is really rude and pathetic..

    move back to india?

    how can you say that!

    its so pathetic and imature

    its apart of the religion and you have to accept different cultures, its like telling a jewish boy/man he is not allowed to wear his kippah (hat).

    i think you should keep those type of opinions to yourself thankyou very much.

  23. It was not a case of traditional outfit, it was merely a simple bracelet!! This case should have never even been brought to court!!

    So its ok to release hate preachers from custody, and pay for them to stay in this country from our taxpayers revenue, but it is not ok for a girl to wear a simple bracelet?? I think its about time we actually woke up and really thought about who we wish to accept within our society.

    We seem to totally ignore whats important and concentrate on trivial cases like these making fools of ourselves in the process.

  24. try coming to are allowed to celebrate every holiday except those of Christian and Canadian backgrounds.

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