
Wasn't the keystone of Bush's 2001 economic policy, no government deficits by 2009?

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Yet, we are poised to shatter Bush's previous record set in 2004, with a whopping $482 billion this year and probably even higher next year.

Remember, Bush makes the annual budget and sends it to Congress to revise and approve. Bush then either vetos or signs the Congressionally approved budget.

So far, Bush has signed every budget, thus making him liable for the spending.

Blame 9/11, blame the wars, blame whatever you want, reality is, Bush has failed to reign in government spending while retaining veto power throughout his administration with the GOP majority in the House until 2006 and the Democrats lack the 60 votes needed to over-ride a veto in the Senate.

Thus, this is Bush's debt.




  1. If you believe them your foolish Dem's and Repubs  are loyal to themselves  first party second friends and family third and so on we fall somewhere around 22nd

  2. Yeah, its been the same old stuff for the last 50 years from both parties.

  3. and yes!  it is NEVER DEMOCRATs' FAULT!!!

    We should have fought Al Queda using Sticks and Stones instead of Troops and Bombs.

  4. It's Bush's debt and Congress' debt but yes, Bush has the veto pen and doesn't use it, much of the spending is proposed by Bush, and Bush is the one who ran for office on the promise of restoring fiscal discipline to Washington.

    At least the Democrats TELL US they're going to spend us into the poorhouse.

    The GOP tells us they're going to stop the spending and they go in and spend!

  5. You can't blame him for not being able to keep his presidential promises after 9/11. That was a major event and threw a few things out the window.

    Also- did you say he either vetos or signs the congressionally approved budget? Yes, you did- Our congress is democrat majority- they are the ones who drafted the budget- making them liable for the spending.

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