
Wasn't the three day blitz planned for Iran sooo last year?

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Don't these guys ever have an original thought?




  1. It is the same build up they used to justify the invasion of Iraq. Complete with sanctions to cripple their economy and allegations of terrorism.

    It might come as a surprise that Iran never supported Al Quaeda or the Talibani.

    The Talibani were products of the USA and Saudi supported Madrasa schools in the mountains of Pakistan.

    They are Sunni while Iran is almost completely Shia.

  2. Killing people isn't something to laugh and joke about.  I think your posting is so childish and infantile ("sooo last year?")

    Just because it hasn't happened, doesn't mean that it is not on the neo-con agenda.

    And if it does happen, the price of oil will skyrocket even further.  Iran, and it's close friend Russia, will retaliate.  Iran will block off the Strait of Hormuz, where 40% of the world's oil travels through.

    You do realize that US soldiers will be caught in the crossfire if major trouble erupts in the Middle East?  Or hasn't that thought ever occured in that pea-sized brain of yours?

  3. Contingency plans for an attack on Iran have almost certainly existed for decades, and are constantly being updated.  That's part of the Military's job, to be prepared for all military possibilities, no matter how unlikely.

    Back between WWI and WWII, there were "plans" to fight wars in the Pacific against the Japanese, Russians, Chinese, French, and British.

    No doubt, somewhere in the files are plans for an invasion of or battle with just about every country, even Canada.

    The problem is, every so often some idiot finds out about these plans, and then it's "OMG WAR!!!!11one1!"

    You're just better off assuming that anything you read on "Democratic Underground" was written by a little evil goat-eating troll living under a bridge.

    Simply said, "war planning" does not necessarily equate to "planning for war."

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