
Wasn't there a better chance for democracy and a free China before Wal-Mart and Clinton financed the new PLA?

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Media reports of the day listed the COMMUNIST PLA woes of the early 1990's due to COMMUNISM'S historically proven failed economics and a nearly bankrupt central government. Boots for every other soldier, guns for half their men with only 5 BULLETS PER GUN, no real navy and precious little effective air forces. Command was antiquated as were communications, nuclear capacity and field armor with moral was tanked due to nonpayment of salaries throughout the conscripted service of the P.L.A. The student uprising of 1989 by unarmed citizens seeking FREEDOM nearly defeated the PLA but was repelled with an excess of 10000 MURDERED students in the streets of China's capital. Point is, the people nearly won. 1994 saw the realization of the dream of capitalizing from tyranny while undermining freedom and avoiding living wages by a small group of Arkansas traitors when Clinton, acting as a WMT lawyer while President of the USA, extended "favored nation" trading status to the enemy of freedom




  1. i AGREE

  2. Now you are talking. Great research. Amazing isn't it? Most is available if you research it like you obviously have. Well done. Now how long before the other candidates get there? Media Matters has opened Pandora's box and many resent the debackle. . Diversions.

    It is a fundamental basic to Communism, divide and conquer. So bashing Bush and creating so much unrest is all a part of the machine here. Clinton also worked for Mexico Wal Mart on the board of Directors (Hill) before NAFTA was signed. The layers are thick. Let me give you a few links for your arsonel. Go thru the hundred's of Clinton answers and there are many more. on my account. Keep writin on. the last link include clinton.html start with http://www   some info is not freedom of speech. This I feel is their site but unfair. :))

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