
Wasp comes back for more...?

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Hi i know this is a crazy question but i just had to ask it lol.

I keep getting the same wasp coming through my window i have got it in a cup and thrown it out but it still comes back.

I even sprayed it with air freshner not killing it and once again chucked it out the window but the little get came back again and again.

It does not come in straight away it can be like half an hour before it comes back is this because it has bad memory and can't tell where it has been.

or is it coming back to attack the thing that has annoyed it.




  1. That's what it is doing! Have you ever been stung by a wasp? It's not very pleasant- so next time it comes looking for you - squash it!!!


  2. How do you know its the exact same wasp? I doubt it would be its very strange. Maybe you have a nest outside your window I'd maybe have a look or get in contact with environmental health through your local council to check it out!

  3. Mark it with paint, so you can tell for sure that it is the same wasp.

    If it is just kill the little b*****d, don't keep being nice and letting it go just to come back and annoy you.

  4. Try confusing it by having your house dismantled, and moved ten feet to the left

  5. Just smoosh the nasty thing, squarsh it. The nest will make more.

  6. I say you catch it, and raise it as one of your own.

  7. It`s trying to contact the 20,000 of it`s mates in the nest in your

  8. It may be smelling some sort of fragrance that it likes (like polish or lavender)  

  9. Watch "Bee movie", you'll find your answer there.  

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