
Wasp nest. how long does it take to be build?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday I came back into my room after not being there for a month. On the ceiling I found a wasp nest as big as an egg. There were no wasps so I guess the nest couldn't survive because the room was totally locked. Now I wonder how long does it take for a nest to be build. I can't find an answer anywhere. If you know some other things about wasp nests please let me know. I'm really interested!




  1. Not long, depends on how many cells how many wasps are building the nest and how far they need to go for the material.  If they are not around just knock it down and throw it away.  If they are around you can make a spray with water and dish soap.  I mix about 2-3 tablespoons of soap in a pint spray bottle.  I have never been attacked when spraying them and it is safe to use around children.  Besides caterpillars wasps feed on spiders,  That is likely what they were feed on in your empty room.  They and the spiders can get in pretty small holes. You can identify different species of wasps by the type and size of nest they build. Check wiki and for more info about wasps.

  2. depends on the size of the group

    can be a week or several it keeps getting bigger with time ,additional cells care constantly added

    get a rolled up  news paper,burn it and smoke the wasps out then destroy the nest .

    they will just build another one some where else

    no big deal

    the wasps are in fact useful in a garden because they kill caterpillars

    we get them all the time nesting on the banana leaves when the leaves hang close to the path or the house we get rid of it ,because their sting is very painful and they are very aggressive if one come to close ,

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