
Wasp nests?

by  |  earlier

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There is a wasps nest in work and i've been "volunteered" to get rid of it .My plan to go in there all suited and booted ,protective overalls ,gloves, facemask etc tape a black bag to the ceiling and give the hive a whack then gather up the bag and tie it up in more bags ,does this plan sound o.k :) or are there any other suggestions other than a spray or a bomb ??




  1. Good idea. Be WELL suited up. I used a motorbike helmet when I did one, plus I had a hand help burner so anyone came near me I cremated it. Very effective.

  2. Go to a farm supply store and buy some bee kill. Wasp stings are nasty.

  3. The best way to get rid of a hive is suit up like you planes and make a torch and stand there and burn it.

  4. use a bb gun,   just kidding

    use "raid" wasp killer it's spray can hit like 30 feet away easily

    it cheap and poisonous too

  5. why not use a wasp sray and avoid being stung??

  6. Use spray!  Power company linemen have to deal with this all the time - they don't do anything elaborate with protective suits and "whacking" the nest.  They just use the long distance spray.  It kills the entire nest almost instantly and with no risk of getting stung.

  7. I worked as a lifeguard for several years, and one of the problems that I frequently had to deal with was destroying wasp nests that appeared on the kiddie slides.  

    The thing that worked 100% of the time for me was the spray.  It kills the wasps and their larvae instantly--they pretty much fall right to the ground without even knowing what hit them.    

    I'd suggest this method instead of the one you listed in your question for several reasons.  First, if you use the spray, you won't need protective clothing because the wasps won't have time to retaliate or chase you before they die.  Secondly, if you try to tape a bag to the ceiling, the bugs will probably come after you as soon as you get close to the nest, especially since it will take some time to tape the bag all the way around its edges to prevent any escape routes.  Finally, if you use a spray, it projects about 8 feet, so you won't even have to get that close to the nest.  Using the spray is simply the fastest, easiest, and most effective way to kill the nest.

    I'm terribly afraid of bugs with stingers, too, so I'd never go into combat against them without knowing that there is -zero- chance of being stung.

  8. Use a hornet spray at night, saturate the nest. Wait till morning and scrape the nest into a bag, Watch your toes; the dead ones that fall to the floor will still sting if you step on them.

    Suiting up trying to cover it with a bag and than whacking it was the funniest thing I have read so far today. I guess it could work but I could just imagine you whacking the bag and those things getting really pissed. You will get stung this way; question is how many times? lol

  9. Your plan is OK as long as you protect yourself. The main thing is to do it after nightfall when all the little fellows have gone into the nest. Use a dull torch because too much light will activate them. Wasps have very poor vision in low light and any that do escape will probably not be able to see you. If you are going to do this in daylight. . . . well. . . . . buddy, watch out!!!!

  10. Wasps get lazy when they are cold. Not knowing where this nest is positioned ...Is there anyway to freeze the area of the nest? They are also less active at night I believe.  Go in at night and take a container that has a flat edge..bowl, pan etc and cover the nest up against the wall/ceiling where ever it is connected(if possible) and scrape off the nest, cover quickly and dispose of. good luck.
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